Castle Rock

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Book: Castle Rock by Carolyn Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Hart
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    Will sighed heavily. “All right, Serena. But I have to know where you will be.”
    Jed was picking up the two heaviest cases and walking toward the door.
    Serena lifted up the smaller case. “I don’t know where I’ll be, Will. I don’t have any idea.”
    Will took the case from her. “Call me as soon as you find a place. Serena, I have to know where you are.”
    â€œI’ll call.”
    The three of them walked down the stairs and outside. When the luggage was packed, Serena slipped behind the wheel.
    Will bent down, kissed her on the cheek, then, without another word, turned and walked away.
    For a moment, Serena felt torn. She hated to see Will so unhappy. But she couldn’t stay.
    Then she and Jed looked at each other.
    â€œDrive carefully.”
    â€œI will.”
    She turned on the motor. Just as she slipped the engine into gear, Jed bent down and said harshly, “It’s good you’re getting out, Serena. Don’t come back.” Then he, too, swung on his heel and walked away.
    Serena looked after him for a long moment, then the Mustang spurted ahead.
    Don’t come back . . . don’t come back . . . don’t come back . . .
    It rolled in her head like a refrain as the miles slipped away, the Mustang curving down mountains, down, ever down, toward Santa Fe. It was midmorning when she drove into town, passing the usual undistinguished buildings that sprout like weeds on the outskirts of towns all across America. She left the ticky-tacky buildings behind and was into Sante Fe proper, with its narrow streets and low adobe houses, and finally into the heart of the old city, where Spanish musket fire and Indian arrows had struggled for supremacy.
    It seemed familiar, yet strange. She had been here many times to visit friends, to walk the narrow streets and look at paintings, but she had never come to stay. She didn’t know where to go.
    She checked into a modest motel, bought a copy of the New Mexican , and looked at the want ads. Three jobs looked promising. Before the afternoon was over, she had visited all three and her spirits were flagging. She didn’t have enough experience or the job had already been taken or thanks for coming, we’ll call you. She stopped at the park across from the Governor’s Palace and rested on a bench. Across the street, beneath the portico, Indians sat cross-legged with their wares spread out before them on blankets. Tourists crisscrossed the park, stopping to photograph the Palace. It was everyday and ordinary yet Serena felt a tickle of panic at the back of her mind.
    She had four hundred dollars in her bank account. That wasn’t enough to rent a decent apartment in Santa Fe. It wasn’t enough to buy food for a month. She had to have a job.
    Grimly, she got up and started down a side street and a familiar name caught her eye. She stood outside the law offices of Williams and Honeycutt. She hesitated, then opened the door and went in.
    The receptionist smiled. “May I help you?”
    â€œI don’t have an appointment,” Serena said hesitantly, “but I wondered if I could see Mr. Williams.”
    The woman looked at her inquiringly.
    â€œI’m Serena Mallory. I used to live at Castle Rock, the McIntire ranch. But Uncle Dan, Mr. McIntire, was killed . . . ”
    The receptionist nodded, her face sympathetic. “Yes, of course. I’m so sorry. Mr. McIntire was a client of Mr. Williams for years.” She flipped on the intercom. “Mr. Williams, there is a young lady here from Castle Rock, Serena Mallory. She would like to see you . . .”
    â€œSend her in,” the voice boomed over the intercom.
    In an instant, Serena was walking into a book-lined office.
    A tall balding man rose from behind his desk to come around and take her hand. “Miss Mallory, I’m glad to meet you. Your uncle was one of my oldest friends, besides being a client. I know how sad

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