Cast in Ice

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Book: Cast in Ice by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
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and your feet in slippers.”
    Winnie stifled a laugh. “Yes, I was quite adorable. Then, one night, Hodgekens reached for a card and I stopped him. He thought the card he intended to play was high, but I knew it wasn’t. The queen hadn’t been played yet.”
    “How did you know that?”
    “I’d counted. I kept track of all the cards that had been played, and knew which ones were still out.”
    “I don’t believe it.”
    “That’s what Hodgekens said. Only he used some harsher words when he said it. I thought what I was doing was a bad thing and promised I’d never do it again. He only laughed.”
    Winnie remembered how excited she’d been when Hodgekens explained that what she did was good. That it was almost like a gift. “After that, it was a game to me. The men would play for a while, then Hodgekens would stop the game and ask me what cards were still out. And I’d tell them. Sometimes I could even tell them who had certain cards. I’m not sure how I knew, I just did.”
    “Which is why you turned to The Dove when you needed money.”
    Winnie refused to fall into his trap. “Which is why I go to The Dove when I want a little excitement.”
    His slight pause told her he didn’t believe her, but that couldn’t be helped. She still wouldn’t give in.
    “What happened the other night, then?”
    She took a deep breath. “I was tired. Nothing more. We’d had a full social schedule of events to which Father was determined I would accompany him and Anne. And it was your fault I was out as late as I was the night before.”
    His eyebrows arched and Winnie couldn’t help but smile at him. “You’re quite accomplished, yourself, Mr. Stillman. I haven’t played against many opponents as good as you are.”
    “I thank you, my lady.”
    “When I went to The Dove that night, I knew I wasn’t as alert as I should be. Hodgekens even refused to take me. But I insisted. I shouldn’t have gone.”
    “Are you willing to admit that I was right, too? That you played like a novice?”
    “Yes, Mr. Stillman. I will admit that I played like a novice that night. But that won’t happen again.”
    Winnie knew the second she said the words they’d been a mistake. She wanted to take them back, but it was too late.
    “Would you care to elaborate on that statement? It almost sounds as if you intend to return to The Dove , even though you promised that you wouldn’t.”
    “I think you’re reading too much into what I said. I only meant that I’ve learned that my mind doesn’t focus as well as it needs to when I’m over tired.”
    “How I wish that’s all you meant, my lady. Just as I wish you’d trust me enough to tell me why you have need of the money you win at The Dove . Although I believe I know.”
    Winnie couldn’t hold his gaze. She turned her head to avoid his being able to see her thoughts. Because she believed that he could indeed read them.
    He placed his finger to the side of her jaw and turned her head until she faced him. “You understand how dangerous The Dove is, don’t you Winnie? You know that the owners have no compassion for those who lose money at their tables.”
    “I know,” she answered. She was surprised by the concern she heard in his voice. Almost as surprised as she was by his use of her Christian name.
    His voice was also filled with warning. He held her by the upper arms and looked into her eyes, as if holding her while he lectured her was important to him. “And you’re aware of what happens to anyone who cannot cover her losses?”
    Winnie couldn’t find her voice. The look in his eyes was so intense that she couldn’t do anything except nod her head.
    Her gaze locked with his, then she focused on the fiery intensity in his eyes. She tried to take in his whole face, the features that made him so unique. But her eyes found his mouth and could move no further.
    It was a perfect mouth, she’d noticed that the first time he’d smiled. When he clamped his lips tight in anger.

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