Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace

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Book: Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace by David Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Buck
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    Thatak’siema sat quietly in her command chair and suppressed her feelings of annoyance towards Malang’troh, for she knew he was within his rights to deploy his six large cruisers as he saw fit. She knew that the theft of his experimental scout ship still chafed him despite her generous compensation to him. The second envoy now considered the time they had been away from his home systems as a part of the problem, and she knew that the best way forward was to ask his direct opinion.
    ‘Lord Malang’troh, the return to Vorinne space is delayed as your fleet sweeps these star systems. Surely we should discuss your opinions and concerns in private?’
    Malang’troh was grateful for the respect the second envoy was awarding him. He responded by standing and intoning the correct formal reply as he rapped his staff once on the deck.
    ‘Your Grace, I am honoured to serve and we will indeed discuss my concerns in the meeting room. The bridge crew will continue the patrol sweep as we discussed earlier.’
    Curt acknowledgements came from the Vorinne lieutenants in their wrap around virtual consoles, as Malang’troh followed Thatak’siema into the meeting room.
    The second envoy was perplexed by her liege lords’ actions as he called up several reports and a map of his home systems many hundreds of light years distant. But she was delighted in how he addressed her with the possessive now that they were alone.
    ‘My Grace, I consider it highly likely that you will be assassinated if we return to my home systems. The warnings of your cousin and Temeroth’s former military attaché are playing on my mind. Also there are reports of pairs of Fenshilla cruisers patrolling nearby star systems. I am seeking to engage these ships and destroy them if this is possible.’
    Thatak’siema now quietly read through a series of reports on Vituma IV that Malang’troh had seen fit to hide from her earlier. The conclusions she was drawing caused knots of fear to bind both her stomachs. She decided that the Zronte lord must have several other secrets to hide as she made her intentions known.
    ‘My Malang’troh, if anything it only highlights the urgent need for me to meet with Temeroth under the accords. For then he is foresworn from killing me or risk a major diplomatic incident and the wrath of the Vorinne empress. I now understand that he seeks to kill me before I can get him alone.’
    Malang’troh gave his intended mate a smile of understanding she also enjoyed as he replied.
    ‘Yes you will deflect his malice under the accords; however the problem is first surviving his assassins. The Fenshilla have powerful ships and they outnumber my squadron, so we should eliminate this threat first. They are known cowards so I expect them to run against an opponent of near equal strength. At this stage I do wish we had a full squadron of ships.’
    Thatak’siema knew that Malang’troh was not criticising her earlier instructions, but she made her intentions known as she spoke again.
    ‘The Zronte has to be first steered in a direction so that he can do no harm. He cannot then argue we have gone rogue when you later get your additional ten cruisers operational. Lieutenant Dreshe’ahal and Lady Lahalm’siema are both resourceful and intelligent, and I expect they will remain hidden and be safe from Temeroth’s assassins. I politely request we leave these star systems and continue further towards our home systems and Temeroth.’
    Thatak’siema was expecting Malang’troh to politely argue with her in turn, for he now long had her permission to dissent in private with her. But the bridge claxon clamoured through the meeting room door, and Malang’troh was a blur as he raced from the room for his command console.
    Thatak’siema quietly took her place of honour in her command couch and remained resolutely silent as Malang’troh went about his duties with military precision. She noted with relief that only a pair of Fenshilla

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