Caribbean Crush (Under the Caribbean Sun)

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Book: Caribbean Crush (Under the Caribbean Sun) by Jenna Bayley-Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Bayley-Burke
never wanted to be treated like we never happened. You can pretend you did it for me, but you were scared and you ran. You wanting me the second you saw me proved the break-up wasn’t anything I did.”
    “I wasn’t scared. I know that women date one kind of man for the adventure but expect him to be different once they’re married. I’m not the yes-dear type. I don’t have it in me to hold your purse or push a stroller or fetch your coffee. I’m not that guy, and that is who you wanted, and so I let you be to let you have it.”
    “I never asked you to do those things.”
    His throat undulated as he swallowed and he stared up at the ceiling. “We could get a little cottage in West End. No need for anything too big until there are more than the two of us.”
    Her gut clenched. She had said that. Lying on a blanket on a deserted strip of beach, staring at the sailboats bobbing in the distance. She’d meant it. She’d been so sure that he was her future, her forever.
    She slid back into the flip-flops and cleared her throat. “You know, Antonnis, if you’d told me that then we could have planned a future together instead of you wholeheartedly rejecting my version. Compromise happens.”
    “So does resentment. I didn’t want to be that for you.”
    “Well, you fucked that one up. I resented the hell out of you that fall. Because while I was stressed and panicked and dealing with doctors and loss and trying to keep my grades up when I was so depressed I wanted to curl into a ball and disappear, you were off partying it up in Amsterdam. So, yeah. Mission failed.”
    “I’m sorry.” The quiet words cut her to the quick.
    “Apology accepted.” She hitched the bags higher on her shoulder and made her way for the door. “Have a nice life, Antonnis.”

Chapter Seven
    “Mannus,” Antonnis called out for his brother as he gripped the forestay line and climbed aboard Johannes’s prized sailboat. “Does Hannes know you had your hands all over Lola? He’s a jealous skipper.”
    “He’s a pain in my ass, that’s for sure. Did you come to steal the old girl, Tonnis? Because he will beat you senseless.” Harm opened a teak cabinet and removed a key on a silver ring with a tangle of string hanging down. “The brat left her keys here for some odd reason. I was dispatched to fetch them for her highness.”
    Antonnis climbed the rigging, needing to work off some nervous energy. Everything about the last few hours since Kristin had left gnawed at him. Especially her mandate that they’d never be together again. “Think we’ll ever get used to the idea that he married Saskia?”
    Harm shrugged his bare shoulders, aviators shading his eyes from the evening sun. “We’re supposed to think of her as a sister, and since we always did nothing really changes. Not for us.”
    “True.” He swung from the line to the mast. “It just happened too fast for me to get used to it.”
    “Yeah, about that.” Harm chuffed, a wide grin splitting his face.
    He leaped down to the teak deck. “Mannus, you are scaring me with that smile. You don’t do happy.”
    “Get used to it. I have lots to look forward to. Can you keep your mouth shut?”
    He made an X across his chest. “Do tell.”
    “Holly and I are having a baby.” The happiness in his brother’s words was palpable. “Not a word to Papa. We’ll tell him after the wedding and let him ignore the math.”
    “Congratulations,” he said automatically. What was with this day and babies? Harm with a baby? How would that even work?
    “Thanks. You’re the first person I’ve told. Besides Holly.”
    He scrubbed his hand through his hair. “You declared Holly pregnant and she was? God complex much?”
    Harm waved him off and sat in the white leather captain’s chair. “I just realized it before she did. Though I do suppose I made it happen.”
    “Your chest puffed out like a rooster when you said that. You might want to have that checked.” He leaned against the

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