Captive to the Dark

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Book: Captive to the Dark by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alaska Angelini
the day before. My balance seemed to be improving. Three more weeks in this condition, I’d be bouncing the length of the room at the speed of light. If nothing else came out of this, I was sure to win a sack hopping race. I groaned, frustrated. Dammit, I needed something to do, or someone to talk to. My mind was slipping. Tears welled in my eyes while random thoughts drove me crazy.
    The desk in the far corner caught my attention for the millionth time. My ass sprang from the mattress in some playful attempt to keep myself amused, and I made my way back in that direction. With my hands behind my back it was impossible to rummage around like I wanted, but I could look at the pictures more. They were the only connection to people I had in the lonely hours while I waited for someone to return.
    A girl with dark hair posed in front of a tropical background. Her smile was perfect and her face reminded me of the girl next door. She wasn’t overly-gorgeous, but far from common. The grey eyes that stared back at me were identical to my captors. Their resemblance left off there. Nothing else about them matched. Different nose. Different facial structures. Were they full blooded siblings? Probably, but I wasn’t sure.
    The door flew open and I jerked back, hitting the ground hard. Him. Cold eyes dismissed me as he continued to the closet, grabbing clothes. The white shirt he’d worn days ago was long gone. Now, a long sleeve black one covered his body, the tight fit showing off how wide his shoulders really were.
    “I’ll release the ropes long enough for you to take a shower. Then, they go back on.”
    Hell, I wasn’t going to argue. I needed a shower like I needed a window to the outside world. Unfortunately, metal shutters covered these, leaving me disconnected from the scenery surrounding us.
    As I hopped to the bathroom, more excited than I should have been, I didn’t miss the way his face softened. Who was he aside from a man trying to retrieve his sister? Desperate to get her any way he could, even going as far as taking the daughter of the bastard who was responsible?
    “Hold out your hands.” The stoic expression once again showed me my place. I really was no one to him. A pawn in the game he was playing.
    Sighing, I lifted them behind me. He was quick to take them off, avoiding my skin as much as possible. The moment I was free, warm tingling rushed down to the tips of my fingers. My shoulder positively ached at the rotation of my arms. A small sound escaped at the heaviness that weighed me down. His mouth twisted and he crouched, pulling at the material of my long dress until it slid down, exposing my full breasts. With no bra, I was completely topless. Uncertainty had me breathing in deep. I’d never liked my body. My breasts were too big and my waist was too thin against my wide hips and thighs.
    “Don’t look away from me until I finish.” The dress eased to my hips and slowly down until it pooled around the ropes at my ankles. A knife appeared as he removed his hand from his pocket. The acceleration of my heart wasn’t from fear, but arousal. Knife play. I’d only dreamed about that. Never once had I been brave enough to test it out with a stranger. But here he was, doing exactly what I’d fantasized about a million times.
    The blade traced up my thigh until it disappeared under the lace of my panties. My body swayed a little at the flick of his wrist. The side fell open and he made a path over the lower part of my stomach until he skipped over my panties and made it to my other thigh. The point circled around into what looked to be a figure eight, barely touching, yet enough for me to feel the blunt tip.
    “Please.” My lids were heavy and I hadn’t realized I’d said the word out loud until I noticed how narrowed his eyes were. What was he thinking? I wanted to ask. I was dying to know.
    Lace fell from my other hip, but the knife didn’t disappear. Fascination flickered and he moved the tip back

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