Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual)

Read Online Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual) by Ria Candro - Free Book Online

Book: Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual) by Ria Candro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ria Candro
Tags: Erótica
accomplished his mission if she hadn’t been so turned-on at the sight of his large, impression erection.
    Mm, speaking of dessert…
    Her lips tentatively closed around the thick head, and when he let out a moan and his body jerked, she was emboldened to take more of him into her mouth. He tasted surprisingly good, like salt with a hint of cream.
    Circling the base of his shaft with her fingers, she drew back, using the tip of her tongue to experimentally explore the head, then lick the underside. When he let out a whispered oath and tugged her head closer, she took him into her mouth again, swiftly learning what drove him wild. There wasn’t much he didn’t like, apparently. Every little thing she did only seemed to excite him more and more.
    When Tempos speared his tongue into her body, stabbing her with hard, quick thrusts, her legs began to quiver anew. Unthinkingly, she began to slide Stefon in and out of her mouth in the same way. He let out a deep groan and seemed to lose control. Wrapping his hand tighter around the back of her head, he placed his free hand on the ground to support himself while he began to thrust hard into her mouth. Crying out, she opened her mouth wider, taking more of him in. He truly seemed to like that, because his thrusts became more uncontrolled.
    “Open your throat,” he whispered, his voice harsh and broken. “Take me in deeper.”
    Bemused, she tried to do what he said, and to her surprise she found herself able to take him deeper into her mouth. It felt good, too, wanton and sinful. With every pump the tip of him grazed the back of her throat, something that would no doubt make her hoarse come the morrow. Still, it was well worth it.
    “Do you like that?” Stefon whispered his eyes flashing as his gaze clashed with hers. “Me fucking your mouth while Tempos fucks your cunt with his tongue?”
    His crude words, words that no one would have ever dared to utter to the princess back in Chivea, had the unexpected effect of igniting her lust. The thought of what the two men were doing to her, combined with the pressure of their plunging thrusts, sent her flying over the abyss of pleasure. Screaming around Stefon’s rod, she found a hard release that shook her entire body.
    Stefon growled and stilled above her, and an instant later a large amount of liquid flowed from his tool. She swallowed it down, surprised to find that the salty essence fed her pleasure and increased the tremors in her loins.
    Finally Stefon drew away, resting back onto his haunches inches from her face. The fierce, satisfied expression on his face told her he very much enjoyed what they’d just done. As had she.
    Tempos slid up her body, covering her lips with his, letting her taste the musky essence of her release. She surrendered to his touch, to the comforting feel of his arms around her. But all too quickly sanity returned, making her aware she lay on the ground with two men who were most certainly not her fiancée.
    She came to a horribly distressing conclusion. Now that she’d tasted the passion and pleasure two men could bring, she didn’t know how she could ever resign herself to a lifetime with just one man.
    Oh gods, what have I done?

Chapter Six
    Early the next morning, Cindra had to drag herself out of bed. Not only had she gotten very little sleep the night before, but she didn’t know how to face the day. Her life, which just a few days ago had seemed so settled, was now a seething mass of confusion.
    After that intensely erotic interlude with Stefon and Tempos, she’d come to her senses and, muttering her excuses, had righted her clothes and rushed back to the farmhouse. They’d been perplexed by her desire to run off and had tried to stop her, but she hadn’t given in. After the incredible ecstasy they’d inflicted on her body, she’d needed some time alone. Time to reflect on her future.
    The idea of spending the rest of her days with Adamon no longer seemed as perfect as it once had.

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