Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1

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Book: Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1 by Ava Hayworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Hayworth
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pass by him. He is smiling politely, but I also see desire smoldering in his eyes. I know that I was not the only one affected by our close proximity. Walking alongside me, he places his hand on my lower back, and my stomach clenches. He bends his dark head down closer to me, and his gruff voice sends tingles down my spine. “I was surprised to see that you are one of our new associates.” 
    My voice is surprisingly steady, considering the state of my nerves. “I was surprised to see you, too.” 
    “This should be interesting.” I glance up at him, wondering what he means, but before I can question him, we arrive at my desk. I see Patti and Nora looking at us with wide eyes and decide that discretion is the better part of valor. As I slide onto my desk chair, the three of us watch as James continues on to his office. As soon as he rounds the corner, Patti, who is the more talkative of the two, lets out an excited squeal. I glance around   to see if anyone else has taken notice and see several pairs of eyes staring daggers at me. “Oh. My. God. I can’t believe he talked to you. What did he say?”
    They both look at me with big, expectant eyes. I clear my throat uncomfortably, “It was nothing. He was just welcoming me to the firm.” I swallow hard, willing myself not to blush.
    Nora, who is usually unassuming and quiet, blurts out, “He is so hot, and you are so lucky. He has never even spoken to me. All the women have a major crush on him, I mean, who wouldn’t, right? He looks like a Greek God with that beautiful dark hair and those eyes. Don’t get me started. All I will say is that it is totally unfair that a man got those gorgeous baby blues.”
    Patti looks worried. “He may be handsome, but he has a terrible reputation with women. You should be careful, Lainey.”
    “Really, guys,” I defend myself, “It was no big deal. We rode up on the elevator together, and he was just being polite. Besides, didn’t you tell me that he doesn’t give women from the firm the time of day?”
    They regard me with twin looks of skepticism. I turn away as nonchalantly as possible and start booting up my computer with Patti’s last comment still ringing in my ears. “There is always a first, and from what I hear, he is a real player. More than one woman has been known to have been burned by James McAllister.”
    I bring up the newest contract and stare blankly at it. I am in so much trouble. I contemplate the number of contracts I have to review and realize that I have to put James McAllister out of my head and focus. 
    By the end of the day, the quantity of contracts left to be reviewed has shrunk considerably, but I am sure that new ones will be waiting for me tomorrow. I am fairly positive that I will be dreaming in legalese tonight. As I ride the elevator down to the lobby, I cannot help but think of James again.
    I exit the revolving door to the building when I hear someone call my name. I look over to see a driver ushering me towards a town car. Curiously, I walk over to peer into the rear door that the driver opens for me. Sitting in the car is James. 

    “Can I give you a ride?” he asks in a rich baritone voice that sends delicate shivers down my spine. 
    I hesitate briefly before sliding into the back seat next to him. Looking up at him, I wait for him to speak. James lifts his hand to my mouth and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip. “I’ve been thinking of this mouth all day,” he says, before leaning his head down and gently biting my lip.
    My gasp of surprise turns into a moan as I feel his soft, warm tongue on the lip he has just bitten. I cannot help parting my lips, and his tongue immediately devours me. I kiss him back with a ferocity that shocks me, and I am instantly wet. I haven’t felt this way since the last time he touched me, and it has been too long. Before I give myself over to him completely, I force myself to remember that this is the man that ditched me

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