Can't Shake You

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Book: Can't Shake You by Molly McLain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly McLain
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Grandpa Hudson’s old war buddies, chortled. “Big Coors emergency. Had to enlist the help of your friend, if ya know what I mean.”
    Josh snorted as he straddled a stool. At least Fletcher was getting some. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten laid. Come to think of it, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d jerked off either. He refused to acknowledge how pathetic that was.
    “Well, it’s about damn time,” George cackled, as the storage room door swung open and Heather strolled out, hefting a case of bottles. Fletcher trailed behind with two.
    “Holy hell, man, I haven’t seen you out in a month.” Unloading the beer, his friend shared a private smile with Heather before sliding into the empty stool beside him. “How long have you been here?”
    Josh brought his beer to his mouth. “Long enough to know you just got your dick wet.”
    Fletcher chuckled. “I’m breaking her down, man, breaking her down.”
    “Took you friggin’ long enough. You losing your touch or what? She’s been in town for six months already.” Josh took a bite of his jerky as Heather, of the freckled nose and fantastic rack, smiled mischievously from behind the bar. She set a beer in front of his friend and went back to work.
    Fletcher ogled her ass as she wiggled away. “It’s been well worth the wait, let me tell ya.”
    Josh snorted. “Thanks for sharing.”
    Fletcher clapped him on the back with a chuckle. “Anytime, man, anytime.”
    Josh bristled. Obviously they weren’t talking about literally sharing, but Josh’s train of thought went straight to the woman they had shared and the fact that he’d been keeping that detail a secret. But guilty conscience or not, it was a secret he’d just as soon take to his grave than hurt Reed—or Carissa—by admitting.
    “So what brings you out?” Fletcher asked, pulling Josh from his reverie, before he took a drink of his beer.
    “Week from hell,” he replied blandly.
    “Dude, it’s only Wednesday.”
    “No shit.” Josh chuckled. “By the way, thanks for pushing back the inspection at Henry’s.”
    “Not a problem.” Fletcher dipped his chin in understanding. “You know, with summer break, the vandals are probably just a bunch of kids who don’t know what to do with their newfound time.”
    “Probably,” Josh agreed, but he knew better. Kids wouldn’t know how to do that much damage without doing some serious harm to themselves as well. This was a professional job, no doubt about it. He rubbed at the back of his neck and sighed. “All I’ve got to say is the bastards better hope I never catch ‘em.”
    Fletcher popped a peanut into his mouth. “Speaking of bastards, did Carissa ever hunt you down yesterday?”
    “Yep. That’s part two of my fucktastic week.” He finished off his beer and slid the empty bottle forward.
    “I tried to assure her that our intentions were honest, but when she’s got a bug up her ass, there ain’t no telling her otherwise. Cripes, she’s like a little sister to all of us.” He craned his head from side to side. “Except, you know, I’ve slept with her.”
    Josh flinched.
    “Yeah, that’s kinda weird, isn’t it? And she’s too damn hot for sister material anyway.” Fletcher chuckled. “So what’d she have to say? She was pretty pissed when she left the flip.”
    “She was pretty pissed when she got to me, too. She blamed the whole Kelly debacle on me and, in not so many words, told me where I could shove my help.” Which, come to think of it, wasn’t exactly fair. She didn’t seem the slightest bit peeved at Dan or Fletcher for their involvement. What the hell was that about?
    “I think she knew it was a bad situation to begin with, but bullheaded as she is, she stuck with it, hoping Kelly would work out.” Fletcher picked at the coaster beneath his beer. “What I don’t get is why she didn’t just hire you in the first place.”
    Yeah, well... “Doesn’t really matter now.” Josh snatched

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