Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Book: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) by Paige Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Cameron
and drove out of town in the dead of night. I traveled a circuitous route to get here and left no forwarding address.”
    “And yet you fear he has found out where you are?”
    “A tiny fear, probably not grounded in reality.”
    “Have you told anyone but me?”
    “No. I didn’t want to worry my parents. They have enough to concern them.”
    “What about Lang or Nick? Jack said you three were close before you left.”
    “That’s something else I want to ask you, Ellen. How have you adjusted to living on the ranch? Do you feel like an outsider?”
    Ellen shook her head no. “Not at all. Of course going on the assignment helped me be accepted, I think. And Sahale and Jack are so loving and intent on seeing I’m happy. They make my world go around. Plus, I enjoy my work with the incredibly intelligent scientists and biologists. They’re really the best. But you didn’t answer my question.”
    “No, I haven’t told either one of them. This is my problem. I’d never forgive myself if one of them got hurt trying to fix something I started.”
    “First”—Ellen reached out her hand—“this isn’t your fault. You had no way of knowing this man was an abuser. My ex-husband didn’t physically abuse me. His father threatened me, and my ex became an abuser to his second wife. They’re clever and were able to hide their deviousness from friends and family. Many abused wives or girlfriends feel helpless or are too frightened to ask for help. So they don’t go to the police. At least not right away. I was happy my ex-husband and his father were stopped.” Ellen took a sip of tea before continuing.
    “You surprised this man and hit back and went to the police. But from what you’ve told me, he’s a pillar of society and the authorities are more apt to discount one lone complaint. He’s also dangerous. At least tell Lang and Nick.”
    Cassie shook her head. “I can’t, not until I decide if I’m ready to commit myself to them. Otherwise it isn’t right to ask them to be involved.”
    “What’s holding you back? Don’t you feel part of the ranch community?”
    Cassie got up. “Wait here a moment.” She went in her bedroom and got some pictures she’d unpacked recently. Going back to Ellen, she handed them to her. “This is what I looked like when I lived on the ranch.”
    She watched Ellen start to smile, and then laugh. “You are a late bloomer. The original wild child written all over you. From your defiant expression, to the clothes you wore, and the hair blowing wild around you. So you rebelled, so what?”
    “Have you noticed the teenagers on the ranch? They might rebel a bit, but there is an innate sense of responsibility and direction, even at that young an age. It was like being in a foreign country and not knowing the language.” Cassie stared at herself in the picture. A gentle sadness filled her heart for the confused teenager looking back at her.
    “Lang and Nick were so mature for their age. They were certain I was the one for them, even though they were only twenty. They’d come home from college for the summer.
    “The thought of spending the rest of my life here in Wyoming and settling down, before I’d experienced all that attractive world outside of here, was too much. Also, the idea of two husbands didn’t appeal to me at the time. I flew away.”
    “But you returned.”
    “I couldn’t forget them. So many times I had started to come back. I thought I had to prove myself first.” Cassie picked up their teacups. “I’ll get us some fresh tea.”
    Ellen followed her into the tiny kitchen. “You found your talent. You make beautiful jewelry.”
    “Thanks. I love doing it. I met a man, a friend, in New Mexico. He lived near a small town I passed through. His home sat at the bottom of a mountain. I admired his work and asked him to make a piece while I watched. He made jewelry, pottery, all kinds of things.
    “I stayed in town for six months and worked with him.” She

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