Cameo and the Vampire

Read Online Cameo and the Vampire by Dawn McCullough-White - Free Book Online

Book: Cameo and the Vampire by Dawn McCullough-White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn McCullough-White
the sky again.
    "Perhaps you prefer the taste of blood now, over the taste of alcohol?" he hissed, annoyed with her.
    "If I do, Jules, I promise you'll be the first to know."
    He sat down next to her and flipped his dark hair over one shoulder. "There are times when I think you're going to say something actually worthwhile. It just never seems to happen."
    Cameo laughed quietly to herself. "How can one respond to that? Except perhaps in verse?"
    "Ah, yes, let's see if I remember it now. One of Bellamy Roucherquimp's best—"
    'Round and 'round
    the maypole
    delusions of my past
    and mirrored memories
    silhouettes and shadows
    "It rhymes!" He jogged down the steps and then turned on her. "I warn you, I am armed."
    "Yes, as am I ... with poetry ... and a dagger."
    "And a sword."
    "And a pistol. Oh, and another. Avamore's guards certainly were very generous with their loot."
    Jules laughed and then sighed. "Is that fop ever coming out of there?"
    "Well, I'm not leaving until he does."
    He cursed Haffef silently.
    * * * * *
    "Who's the good doggy? What a good doggy."
    Kyrian watched as Caith was knocked into a snow bank by a large black and tan dog.
    "You really want this treat, hmm?"
    "He's still playing with that mutt?" asked another young man of about Kyrian's age, sitting down beside him. He had long, kinky black hair, dark skin that contrasted with his white woolen coat, and a blue sash. Blue on white; these, Kyrian knew, were the colors of the Temple of the Sky.
    "I think he might be smitten."
    The man in the white coat laughed. "I could believe that. Those Temple of Faetta guys are so into animals ... and plants. I caught him healing a tree the other day. Or maybe it's just Caith. He seems a little crazy."
    Kyrian turned to look at him. "You must be Carrington."
    "Yeah, that's right," he said as he clasped the lad's hand in greeting. "And you're Kyrin?"
    Carrington looked him over. "You don't seem like a funeral guy."
    "Oh, no ... well, I had an apprenticeship at the Temple of the Moon, but I was planning on becoming a priest of the Sun. It was never really my intention to be a priest of the night.... It was just, my grandfather was, so I, I went to live with him and ended up studying there."
    "Grandfather, hmm? Your grandfather was a priest? I didn't think they allowed that sort of thing."
    "Yes, they do. He was a widower and joined later in life. Of course he couldn't heal, but he could perform funerals and that sort of thing."
    "And your grandfather supported your plan to join the Temple of the Sun?"
    "Yes," he smiled. "We talked of it quite often."
    Carrington looked back out at Caith and the dog. "Are you still in touch with him?"
    Kyrian thought of Cyrus, and instantly the spirit of his grandfather was beside him, one hand on his shoulder. "Yes."
    "My mother is with me, as well," Carrington stated calmly. "She drives me crazy. Always worried I'm going to be injured in battle."
    "You aren't a healer? I assumed everyone here was."
    "No." He grinned. "I don't want to take those kind of vows. I'm a warrior; I destroy the undead, send them out of this world and to the dead realm they should be inhabiting. That is my purpose in life."
    Kyrian was beginning to wish his grandfather had helped him with more of his studies. "I hadn't begun my studies at the Temple of the Sun—"
    "No, Sage mentioned that to me. She said you weren't planning on becoming a priest now. I hope it's not since you saw our rag-tag little group here."
    "No, it's not that."
    "A lady?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's my downfall. Too many lovely ladies to tie myself to a vow of purity."
    "Well.... Sort of."
    "I knew it!" he laughed.
    Kyrian lowered his eyes. He was actually thinking of Cameo, and he didn't want to. If he thought too hard, he knew he'd be able to pull her closer to him, and he didn't want her to join them. "So we're going to take on a vampire?"
    Carrington stopped laughing. "Uh, yeah, yeah ....

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