Call Me Princess

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Book: Call Me Princess by Sara Blædel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Blædel
regularly spent time there.”
    Willumsen nodded. That was exactly what he himself had said before they arrested the man last night. Without any direct evidence, they would be in a weak position when they presented their side in court later that morning.
    “I’m sure we’ll find something,” Willumsen said, “but there wasn’t anything at the summer house.”
    “How is it going with the rape case?” someone asked.
    Suhr came and stood by the end of the table where Heilmann, Louise, and Lars were sitting.
    “ Morgenavisen called me this morning. They’d like to know what we’re doing to track down the suspect.”
    “How do they know about that case?” Louise demanded, lurching forward in her chair as she fought to slow her racing heartbeat and keep herself from blushing. She made a concerted effort to maintain a professional distance from Morgenavisen, where her friend Camilla Lind was a reporter, so that no one could accuse Louise of leaking stories to her: Camilla had the Copenhagen crime beat at the paper.
    “That lady journalist of theirs got a call from Susanne Hansson’s mother last night,” Suhr said.
    Louise sighed and closed her eyes for a moment.
    Suhr had walked back over to the giant dry-erase board hanging at far end of the break room.
    She opened her eyes again but avoided looking at him. She didn’t feel like listening to whatever he was about to say.
    “The mother of the victim was extremely upset that the police, quote, weren’t doing anything to find her daughter’s assailant.”
    Louise could hear in his intonation that the mother hadn’t spared any details. “That bitch,” she muttered, gulping down the remainder of her mostly cold coffee.
    “How far have you guys gotten on a description of the suspect? And what do we have that can identify him?”
    He stood ready in front of the blank dry-erase board with an uncapped blue marker in his hand.
    “We still don’t have a usable description,” Heilmann said. “The plan was for Rick to have Ms. Hansson go through photos yesterday, but then the Nykøbing Sjaelland operation came up, so we had to postpone that until today.”
    Heilmann calmly explained that they still didn’t know if there was enough biological material to run a DNA analysis, but the DNA lab was hoping to have the results later this week or early next week. She said this a little hesitantly, because in reality it might also take until the week after next, and no one really wanted to think about that.
    “Could you then just explain why you guys went to Nykøbing when you’ve got more than enough on your plate here at home?” Suhr asked with an undertone that Louise couldn’t interpret. Either Heilmann had told him how ridiculous it was that she and Lars had been ordered to go to Nykøbing when all they ended up doing was chauffeuring the suspect back to headquarters, or Suhr had had no idea that Heilmann’s team was out there during yesterday’s arrest.
    “We were assisting because we were ordered to,” Heilmann replied, gesturing by faintly nodding her head that the request had come from Willumsen. She stared directly at Lieutenant Suhr as she spoke.
    Willumsen followed the whole thing, unconcerned.
    “I want to have something actionable after lunch,” Suhr continued, bellowing. “There is a lot of attention on rape cases these days, especially when the parties met each other online, and a case like this one might drag out over several weeks if the media latches on to it. We can assume they’ll publish that the victim was gagged and bound. The mother obviously isn’t planning on keeping her mouth shut about the way she found her daughter, but apparently she doesn’t know that her daughter met the perp online. Her version makes it sounds like a complete stranger forced his way into her daughter’s apartment. The story will undoubtedly blow up if it comes out that the victim invited the suspect in.”
    Louise knew Suhr was already picturing the

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