Cajun Magic 02 - Voodoo for Two

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Book: Cajun Magic 02 - Voodoo for Two by Elle James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle James
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Entangled, Elle James, Voodoo for Two, voodoo on the bayou
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    His eyes narrowed slightly before he leaned against the window encasement. “Next time, I’ll let you jump.” He pushed away from the wall and strode toward her. “What were you doing with the bug anyway?”
    “Nothing.” Her face burned and she looked away from his perceptive gaze. Why couldn’t she control her blushes?
    “Tsk, tsk.” Ben touched a finger to her chin. “Didn’t your grandmother tell you lying gives you warts?”
    Her breath caught in her throat. His hand against her skin sent fiery sparks straight to the pit of her stomach. “No, it doesn’t,” she whispered, the warmth of her breath bouncing off his skin to caress her cheek. Her hands rose to push him away. Instead, they rested against the solid wall of muscles.
    “Are you willing to take the risk?” Ben leaned closer, his lips a mere inch from hers.
    Like a hummingbird drawn to the sweet center of a flower petal, she leaned closer until her lips touched his.
    His mouth covered hers, his tongue warring, twisting, tasting, and sliding in and out in a primal imitation of more intimate acts. His hands smoothed down her arms to cup her buttocks, pulling her hips against his.
    She gasped into his mouth, the rigid evidence of his desire prodding her belly through the thin fabrics of his coverall and her skirt.
    Her blood burned molten hot, coursing through her veins to pool at the juncture of her thighs, moistening her panties. With her heart thundering in her chest and ears, every nerve ending tautened, expectant…ready for more.
    Ben broke off the kiss and pressed his lips to her temple, his racing pulse a testament to how the kiss had affected him. After a long pause, he tongued her ear, then whispered, “So, what do you want…with Eric?”
    Her red-hot blood froze in midstream. Talk about your alligator pits. What was she doing, kissing Ben ?
    She jerked away and turned her back to him, buying time for her traitorous body to calm. “What’s it to you?” she answered flippantly, when she felt anything but flippant. Her brain still wasn’t functioning coherently. How could one simple kiss throw her so completely off track?
    Who’d he think he was to come strolling in here after seven years? Did he think he could just pick up where they left off? Well, he had another think coming.
    Her hands strayed across the surface of Eric’s desk and she lifted a paperweight of solid brass, weighing it in her hand. This little gem could put a dent in a man’s head the size of Cleveland. Her fingers curled around the cold metal. Oh, the satisfaction of bonking the oaf in the head.
    Ben moved a few steps away, as if recognizing the danger of standing within range of the lethal desk ornament. A sly smile quirked the corner of his mouth, as if he knew he’d scored a hit on Lucie’s sensitivities.
    All the more reason to throw the paperweight at him. The louse deserved a dent in his head for confusing her so badly.
    Then, as innocent as could be, he said, “Go home, Lucie.”
    “Look, I have a right to visit anyone I please.”
    As if ignoring her last outburst, he continued, “You can’t possibly represent the protesters outside.” He shook his head. “No, they’re not really your style.”
    “Them?” Like he really thought she’d be out in some useless picket line. Ha! But she’d play his game . “Those people don’t even live here. Everyone in town knows Littington Enterprises will make good on their promise.”
    “Then why are you here?”
    Back to the original question. With a dramatic down-sweep of eyelashes, a move she’d mastered at the age of three, thanks to her twin sister, Lucie let her lips curl slow and sexy. “Do I have to have a reason to visit Eric, other than, well, he’s Eric?” If that kiss had as much impact on him as it had on her, her question would find its mark.
    Ben’s Adam’s apple bobbed once before his mouth settled into a tight line. “Leave him alone.”
    She’d scored on Ben and she

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