Caitlin's Hero

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Book: Caitlin's Hero by Donna Gallagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Gallagher
going. How on earth was she going to get to sleep? Bags under her eyes from being kept awake would not be a good look for her dinner date tomorrow night. Glancing at the wall clock, she noticed it was after midnight. She corrected herself. Make that tonight.
    That thought made her happy all over again as she folded out the sofa into her bed and quickly and efficiently added the linen. After a trip to the bathroom to wipe off the remnants of her make-up and brush her teeth, Caitlin was soon snuggled down under her pink - covered doona, and as she hugged her spare pillow she wondered what it would feel like to snuggle with Brodie instead. Caitlin fell into a deep sleep almost immediately with a little smile on her face, the loud music not annoying her at all.

    * * * *

    Brodie had a good training session—he was sharp and focused. JT just kept clapping him on the back and laughing at him. His teammates and the coaching staff were all in shock at the way he’d attacked the session with gusto. Brodie had not realised the extent of his malaise, but that was over. Now he felt good. Better than good—Brodie felt young .
    He had tried not to overthink his decision to ask Caitlin and her brother out to dinner, though he did wonder why the parents couldn’t look after the kid. But, hey, he didn’t know their schedule. Maybe the parents worked nights or were away. Brodie managed to put a positive spin on things. The kid would be a useful chaperone. That was a good thing. He had come so close to seducing Caitlin in the car park last night that it frightened him.
    Brodie James did not lose control, ever. Not even when he’d found his wife in bed with the captain of a rival team. No, Brodie had just turned on his heel and walked away. Brodie was calm, under control, and always thought things through before taking action. That was why he had captained his country for so long. He was honoured that his opinion was sought after and he was often invited to take part in forums on how to better his beloved rugby league.
    Brodie led by example. Well, apart from when he’d married Lila, but that time was behind him now and he had managed to keep any gossip regarding his failed marriage out of the media. The mutual respect he and most reporters shared had helped, as did the money he’d bribed Lila with for her silence.
    Having given it plenty of thought on the drive home from training, Brodie concluded that the best place to take his dinner dates was some place they’d feel most comfortable, and that place was bound to be Mia’s Restaurant. It would also help him clear any bad feelings between him and the owner, Angelo, in regards to his behaviour last night. The man was not an idiot. He had seen the state of play when Caitlin and Brodie had returned, somewhat dishevelled, from their car park ‘talk’.
    As Brodie opened the door to his home and dropped his training bag on the floor, he smiled. Yes, he would make a booking now. Grabbing his phone, he scrolled through until he found the number he was searching for and placed the call. He had a few hours before he needed to leave, so Brodie sat at his desk and opened his laptop, checking emails before spending some time on his business portfolio.
    After showering and changing into a clean, well-worn pair of jeans that fitted his large frame, Brodie pulled on a black V-neck sweater. It was woollen and soft, the feel of it pleasing against his skin. He didn’t mind the way the sweater clung to his muscled torso and arms either. Why should he? Brodie had worked hard to get his body into shape, and still did. He looked at himself in the mirror, his craggy, well-worn face reflected back at him, and remembered how every scar had appeared. His was a rough sport and pretty boys didn’t stay pretty for long. The crooked nose from various breaks was a little larger than he would have liked, but he knew his dark brown eyes, high cheekbones and strong, square jaw were not unattractive to women. Maybe

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