Cain's Identity (Scanguards Vampires Book 9)

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Book: Cain's Identity (Scanguards Vampires Book 9) by Tina Folsom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Folsom
Tags: Romance
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back to the door that led to the tunnel. When he reached it, he rested his forehead against it, feeling the cool surface against his skin. Could he really blame her? She’d thought him dead for a year. She had to get on with her life.
    Yet that thought was no comfort to him. Although Cain had no memory of her or the love they’d shared, he knew instinctively that had Faye died instead of him, he would have grieved the rest of eternity for her. Yet she had given herself to another man a mere year after his death.
    However, nothing of this would change anything now. He’d come so far and wouldn’t turn back. This was his old life, and he would reclaim it. And he’d be damned if he wouldn’t mount a fight to win Faye’s love back, because one thing was clear: in his dream he’d loved her. Having seen her in the arms of his brother only moments earlier made his heart clench in pain, a pain he had no trouble identifying: he was jealous.
    With purpose in his mind, Cain lifted his head and opened the door to the tunnel, leaving the corridor behind him.
    He let his gaze roam, but only emptiness greeted him.
    “John?” he whispered.
    But John was gone.

    Faye felt Abel’s lips on hers and tried to let herself go. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t do this. Kissing Abel was nothing like kissing Cain.
    She pressed her hands against Abel’s shoulders and pushed him back, not forcefully, yet determined. She wasn’t ready for intimacy with him. Would she ever be ready?
    Abel’s eyes blazed at her with unchecked lust, his fangs already extended. Had she never met his brother, she would have found him attractive, handsome even. And maybe she would be able to fall in love with him. But the moment she’d laid eyes on Cain, her heart had spoken, and she’d known even then that she could never love another.
    Faye averted her eyes and stepped back. A low growl came from him, confirming that his vampire side was ruling him in this moment. She sensed his displeasure physically, felt the waves of annoyance rolling off him. Could she blame him? No. After all, she’d accepted his proposal, and they didn’t live in the Middle Ages where intimacy before the wedding night was unacceptable. This was the twenty-first century, and sex was expected, particularly by a virile vampire like Abel.
    “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “I can’t. Not yet. It’s all happening too quickly.”
    Abel sucked in a breath. “I understand,” he pressed out from between clenched teeth.
    “I didn’t mean to lead you on,” she said quickly. “Just give me a little more time. Until the wedding.”
    Abel wasn’t a man to be denied what he wanted. He didn’t speak for seconds that seemed to stretch to minutes. She heard her own heart pound in her chest.
    “Very well. Until the wedding then.”
    He turned abruptly and left her room, shutting the door behind him with a loud bang.
    She’d bought herself a few more days until she would have to give into his sexual demands. A few more days during which she could remain faithful to Cain. Faithful to his memory.
    If only that night she hadn’t let him go, if only she’d bonded with him then, maybe he would still be alive.
    One year earlier
    A hot breath blew against her nape, causing a pleasant shiver to run down her spine. Faye turned in the silk sheets, her naked body sliding against hard muscle and soft skin.
    She ran her eyes over her lover. Cain’s skin was bronzed and flawless, his chest nearly hairless, his hair cropped short. He sported a permanent stubble, one that he shaved occasionally, but which returned after each restorative sleep cycle. His eyes were a golden brown, but often when they were together his eye color would change to a glowing red, a sign of the passion that raged between them.
    Faye put her hand on his chest, tracing the ridges of his pectorals with her fingernails, before sliding down to his abdomen.
    He hissed in a breath, but didn’t stop her

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