By the Book Bride: Ryder (A BBW Western Romance) (Matchmaking A Marriage 1)

Read Online By the Book Bride: Ryder (A BBW Western Romance) (Matchmaking A Marriage 1) by Patricia Mason, Joann Baker - Free Book Online

Book: By the Book Bride: Ryder (A BBW Western Romance) (Matchmaking A Marriage 1) by Patricia Mason, Joann Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Mason, Joann Baker
should take you in to see the doctor.”
    “No, no,” she hastily assured him. “It’ll be fine with some rest. Forget I even asked for aspirin.”
    Pops looked at her, a slight smile tugging his lips. “You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?”
    She smiled back at him. “Maybe.”
    “Just what we need around here,” he grinned back, “to butt heads with those stubborn grandsons of mine. Now you stay here, and I’ll get you that aspirin and some flapjacks to go along with them.”
    Before she could protest, he was out the door.
    Shaking her head, she finally managed to get to her feet. Using the wall as a support, she hobbled her way to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror above the sink, she grimaced. Yep. She definitely wasn’t looking her best. She washed her face and hands and finger combed her hair as best she could.  Re-entering the bedroom, she stopped for a moment to admire the room. There hadn’t been time last night to take in much of her surroundings. The big bed dominated the center of the room, its carved headboard going halfway up the green and white painted walls.  A matching dresser sat against the wall on the right while a walk-in closet took up the entire left side of the room. The house she’d rented from Pops was by no means a hut, but the size of this room and the attached bathroom was simply astounding. If the house was any indication, Devil’s Spur must be an incredibly successful operation.
    She was sitting on the side of the bed, trying to regain her breath from putting her jeans on when the door opened again. After Ryder had left her alone last night, she’d taken off her jeans and slept in her underwear and t-shirt. Not the most comfortable of nighttime attire. The smile on her lips turned into a surprised ‘oh’ as she looked up to see Ryder entering the room, a tray in hand. 
    “Good morning, Sunshine.” 
    Even though she could see only the faint light of dawn through the window, the smile he directed at her did make the day seem brighter. Dressed in his usual Wranglers, western-cut shirt and scarred cowboy boots, he nonetheless took her breath away. “What are you doing up? Pops said he was the only one up yet.”
    Ryder laughed. “Pops gets up ten minutes before everybody else so he can call us lazy bums.” He set the tray on the bedside table. Leaning down, he kissed her lightly, then pulled back to stare into her dazed green eyes. “How’s your ankle feeling this morning?”
    Her tongue traced over lips still tingling from his kiss. “A lot more sore, but I guess that’s to be expected.”
    “How about your hip? I never did get a chance to look at it last night. I could do that now.” His eyes swept over her, and she felt the heat rise inside her.
    “It feels fine,” she said quickly, earning herself a masculine chuckle.
    “Alright, we’ll leave it for now. But just know the offer is still open. You sit back here and eat your breakfast. While you’re doing that, I’ll refill your ice pack.” He grinned and reached behind her to plump up the pillows she’d slept on, aligning them so that they would provide support for her back.
    Moving to do as he said, Georgia drew in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of fluffy pancakes and syrup along with a spicy, clean scent that was definitely all male.
    All Ryder.
    “Ryder, I’m sure you have better things to do than babysit me.” She pulled the sheet over her legs, uncomfortable in the rumpled jeans and shirt she’d worn since yesterday. “Once I have a bite to eat, someone can take me home and I’ll be out of your hair.”
    “Definitely not.” Ryder made a cutting motion with his hand. “You’re staying put until you’re able to walk better on that foot.”
    “But it’s really not necessary.”
    “Don’t you like it here?” He straightened, a frown marring his handsome face. “Or is it me?”
    “No, I—”
    The door opened, and Gabe entered with a devilish grin on his handsome face. Cal followed

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