
Read Online Butch by Sam Crescent - Free Book Online

Book: Butch by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
she stared at him. “This is hard.
I’ve never been with another man but Matthew’s father. He was my first, and
after everything that happened, I didn’t think there would be another man. Who
wants to look after another man’s kid?”
    “I do.”
    His words brought her gaze back to his.
    “You heard me. I don’t give a fuck who gave you
Matthew. He left, and he’s not even in touch with you. I want to take Matthew
as my own.” His hands were pressed down on the table. “I’m going to lay it out
for you, and then you can decide what you want.”
    Do I want him to do this?
    Once they passed this line there was no going back.
They were friends, but the moment he said what he was about to say, she knew in
her heart it was going to change everything. No one could go back when their
emotions were laid out clear to see.
    “I want you, Cheryl. I want you in my bed, in my life.
You’re here.” He placed a hand to her heart. Her own was pounding against her
chest in panic. “I love Matthew as if he was my own. This is what I want, and I
hope one day you can trust me to give you what you need.”
    “This is insane.”
    “Be honest with me. Do you want me, or was that an act
out there?” he asked, pointing behind him.
    “It’s not an act. None of what I feel is an act.”
    “Then give us a try. I promise I will never let you
go. I want to be with you. You’re my woman, Cheryl. You know it, and so do I.
This is going to happen, and we can fight it all we want, or we can just do
    She chuckled.
    “Talking about what I want has never been one of my strong
    “I’m not exactly a genius. I think you did really
well.” His words were touching. They were not romantic or filled with fake lies
and poetry. They were direct, straight to the point just like the man himself. She
found him refreshing. Her mother may not like him, but Cheryl adored him.
    “Come on, babe. Give me a chance.”
    “Okay. I’d really like that. Does this mean we’re
going steady?” She dropped her head as heat filled her cheeks even more. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t date much through high school. I don’t have much to compare it
    “I think we’re more than going steady. That kiss has
to be second or is it third base? Shit, it has been that long since I’ve dated
I don’t even know what bases we’re at.”
    “We could make it up as we go along?” she said,
offering it up as a suggestion. He was putting her at ease with every passing
    “I’m good.”
    Her nipples tightened as his gaze ran over her body.
    Their relationship had changed, and there was no going
back anymore. She didn’t want to go back.
    Butch washed the dishes, conscious of Cheryl by his
side. The red dress did wonders for her full curves. Her nipples were clear to
see as they budded against the front of the dress. Most of the meal he wanted
to lean forward and push her dress down so he could watch those tits move. Her
full body was driving him crazy. All he wanted to do was bend her over the
table and take her from behind. He was itching to get his hands on her naked.
    Pull back.
    He didn’t want to pull back. Laying his feelings and
desires on the table had been the best thing he’d done. There was no way for
them to move on until she knew the truth of what he wanted.
    Tiny had visited him again at work to ask him about
his past. It hadn’t taken Whizz long to find the truth of everything that had
happened. Butch no longer cared about the past. He was old enough and wise
enough to take care of his own family. He told Tiny that he was going to make
Cheryl his woman.
    She took the plate off him. He saw she was shaking,
but he didn’t mention it. Their relationship had changed, and there was no
going back. Butch had thought long and hard about the future. Taking on Matthew
would be an absolute dream. He adored the kid as if he was his own. No man
should ever get pissed about helping bring another man’s son into

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