
Read Online Burn by Anne Rainey - Free Book Online

Book: Burn by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rainey
hadn’t had a wet dream like that since her teenage years. Not even then were they so vivid and perfect.
    “Yeah. Did you sleep well, baby?”
    “Like a rock.” Well, what could she say? That she’d just let him have her body as if she was a sex slave and he the almighty sheik?
    “Really? Because you sound…agitated.”
    “Yep, really.” She lied with alacrity then sat up and got out of bed. Sliding her feet into her fuzzy happy face slippers, she headed toward the kitchen and coffee.
    “Was there something you wanted at—” she looked at the clock on her microwave,
    “—seven thirty in the morning?”
    “I dreamed about you last night, Lace.”
    That stopped her in her tracks. Could he be serious? “Uh, what sort of dream?” She heard him chuckle. “Let me put it this way. You weren’t exactly sitting in a rocker knitting, if you know what I mean.”
    Her body liquefied at his words. Well, crap. Like she didn’t know what he was talking about. Her insides had twisted with lust all night long. “You said you’d give me time to think about this.”
    “You had all night.”
    “I was sleeping all night.”
    “I was, too, with you, moaning and quivering and coming all around my cock. I didn’t want to wake up from that.”
    “Oh.” He laughed again, making her snap at him in turn. “What time are we working out? I’ve got a lunch date, so it’ll have to be either before or after that.”
    “With who?”
    Nick’s laughter had ceased. Now he sounded downright furious. What was that about?

    “No one you know,” she said mysteriously, intent on finding out more about this new side to her best friend. Nick the predatory male, the sexy lover, was a foreign notion to her.
    “Is it a man? Because I thought we agreed to be exclusive.” Oh my, the man had a rather intriguing jealous streak. Interesting. Pulling out the glass pot, Lacey began rinsing it and decided to put Nick out of his misery. Even if he had dragged her away from the best erotic dream of her life.
    “I haven’t agreed to anything yet. But, no, it’s not a man. Just Patty and Mary.
    So, don’t go all caveman.”
    “Little witch,” he snarled, but his voice did calm, she noticed. “How about four o’clock we meet at the gym? We’ll work out together and you can give me your answer then.”
    “Yeah, that works for me, I guess.” Then something strange stirred in her belly as Lacey wondered what Nick had planned for the day. “What are you up to today?”
    “I’m going to the office for a bit. There’s a big client I’ve been finessing and I want to take one last look at my sales pitch before Monday comes around. After that, I plan to annoy your brother for a while. Why?”
    She heard him take a sip of something, probably coffee. Their mutual love for the dark brew was always something they had had in common. Then his words registered.
    He was meeting with her brother? Today? For some inexplicable reason the idea gave her a start.
    “You’re going to see Merrick?”
    “Uh, I was considering it. Is there a problem?”
    Lacey wondered if there was a problem. He and Merrick were good friends and had been for quite awhile. Guys talked, didn’t they? Would Nick tell Merrick about the new twist in his relationship with her?
    Then, as if reading her thoughts, Nick made a tsking sound. “I don’t kiss and tell, baby, you know better.”
    She did know better and she was a rotten friend for even thinking he would.
    “Yeah, sorry. But Nick?”
    “What if things get all muddled? I’m really scared,” she admitted in an uncharacteristic show of uneasiness.
    “I know you are, but I won’t let it get muddled. You only need to trust me, baby.
    Everything will work out fine. You need a boost of confidence in the bedroom and I’m going to give it to you. Simple as that, right?” Lacey tucked a filter into the basket. “I don’t know. I still need to think about this.”
    “You always think everything through so

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