Burn For Him

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Book: Burn For Him by Kristan Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Belle
life. He was simply mesmerising. With his dark closely cropped hair and rich penetrating blue eyes, I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him. I knew that it was rude to stare, but he didn’t seem to object too much. With sharply chiselled cheekbones and a five o’clock designer shadow that gently paraded across his jaw line, it wasn’t so much that he was out and out beautiful, but he was way much more than simply ruggedly handsome.
    He was similar in build to Harper, but he had a few extra inches on him in height, making me crane my neck back to get a better look at him. I should have felt a fool, but I couldn’t help myself. He wasn’t smiling with his lips, but there was a certain sparkle in his eyes that told me that he knew exactly what I thought of him.
    I felt Dee kick my ankle before she hissed at me. “Carrie? What the fuck is wrong with you? Act cool! Stop staring at him like that.” She turned to smile widely at the man in front of us, but he didn’t take his eyes off of me. I could feel the blush starting to creep its way over my cheeks. How embarrassing. I hadn’t really thought that I was being quite that obvious, but the look in his eyes told me that he appreciated what he was looking at just as much as I did.
    “We’d love to have a drink. Thank you. Champagne, maybe?” Dee asked, clearly going for the most expensive option.
    “And for you?” He kept his intense blue gaze on me and I felt my throat dry up. “You don’t look like a champagne kind of girl.” The way he said it, it was meant as a compliment and Dee rose her eyebrows at him, but he was taking no notice of her.
    I finally found my voice and croaked out, “Just a bottle of water, please.”
    “Why don’t you both take a seat and I will get someone to bring your drinks over to you.” He smiled at me finally and his whole face seemed to take on a kind of glow. I knew it was only me that was seeing it, but that smile lit up his face and made my legs feel like mush. I had never been so affected by a man like this before. It was disconcerting.
    “You aren’t going to be joining us?” I asked him, suddenly finding my voice. It took a lot of courage for me to say those words and I could feel myself getting redder and redder by the second. It wasn’t like me to be quite so forward, but I couldn’t seem to hide my disappointment.
    “No. Not just yet. I have a little business to take care of first. Hopefully, I will be able to catch up with you before you leave.” He replied in a voice that was low, husky and soft all at the same time. The voice fit the man like a glove.
    “I’m Carrie.” My voice was barely a whisper, but he nodded in acknowledgement.
    “I’m Destiny.” Dee shouted loudly, but he barely glanced in her direction.
    “Hopefully I’ll be seeing you again soon, Carrie.” He said, capturing me in his gaze before turning and walking away.
    “But, you didn’t even tell me your name!” I called after him. He glanced back over his shoulder and smiled. I knew that he had heard my question, but he chose not to answer it.
    “Who the hell was that?” I turned and said to Dee as soon as we sat down at one of the tables that was placed next to the window wall, looking down at the main dance floor. I was still watching where he had disappeared through a door, even though he was long gone.
    “That’s Milligan.”
    “The owner of the club, you dummy!” she laughed at my stupidity.
    Well, that kind of explained why he was walking around like he owned the joint. He did. But, it was more than that with him. You know when you get that pull from someone the very moment that you meet them? It’s more than just basic animalistic lust, and whatever it is, you can feel it right down to your very toes? Yes, that was definitely the effect that Milligan was having on me.
    “But, who is he?” I turned to look at Destiny who was looking at me like I was stupid again.
    “No I don’t mean that. I know his name now.

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