Bulldog (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator Book 9)

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Book: Bulldog (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator Book 9) by Mike Faricy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Faricy
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beginning to get tired of my own company. I called Maureen to see if she’d like to come over and eat what was left of Dermot’s funeral food.
    “Hello,” she always sort of drew that word out in a sexy sort of way, saying ‘Hell-lo’ like she was singing. It sounded happy, positive, up beat, and indicative of good things to come.
    “Hi, Maureen, Dev Haskell.”
    “I told you, I don’t want you calling me.”
    “You heard me. What part of ‘don’t ever call me again’ don’t you understand?”
    “I thought you were kidding. I mean come on, it wasn’t that big a deal, was it, really?”
    “Yeah, Dev, it was to me. Not showing up for my Mother’s birthday, telling me you had to work out of town.”
    “I was out of town.”
    “Yeah, that’s right, you were, shacked up with some floozy if I recall.”
    “That might be a little harsh, I…”
    “Hey, Dev, listen to this,” she said and hung up.
    I called Karen and left a message. She sent a text message back that said she was blocking my number. I was losing interest fast so I phoned Heidi.
    “Hi, Heidi.”
    “Stop right there, if you are calling with a problem, need a ride or bail money, Do. Not. Even. Ask. Because I’m going to hang up.”
    “Gee, nice way to start out. Are we having a bad day?”
    “No, at least not up to this point. I’m just telling you, Dev, so don’t go there.”
    “All right, apparently that’s what I get for wanting to ask you out. I guess I’ll just entertain myself if that’s the way you’re going to be.”
    “You don’t want anything?”
    “Maybe just a kiss and a hug, I sort of thought being in your company might be a nice way to spend the evening. God, sorry, my mistake.”
    “Okay, okay, it’s just, well you know the last couple of times we’ve been together you always had an ulterior motive.”
    “You can’t blame me for being attracted, Heidi. God, sorry I happen to think you’re beautiful and sexy.”
    “Thanks, that’s sweet, but that’s not what I’m talking about. There was the bail I had to post last winter. The ride I had to give you when your car broke down.”
    “That wasn’t my fault, those guys set my car on fire.”
    “Yeah, and then I had to drive ninety miles to go get you and bring you back. Then the time you left me in the car when you got arrested and I ended up having to call a friend.”
    “Because you took a selfie with the cop looking in the car window then laughed about it. He got really pissed off and I’m the guy who got hauled in.”
    “Yeah and left me there in the middle of the night with no way to get home.”
    “So are we going to go through every little mistake I’ve made or would you like to go out? I’ve got something you might like.”
    “I’m not doing tequila shots again.”
    “Not that, look remember my friends Dermot and Casey?”
    “The guy who was murdered?”
    “Yeah, I’m staying in their home, I just thought you might like to see it, you’re sort of into all that decorating stuff and it’s an 1890’s Victorian place. A lot of fancy woodwork, stained glass, antiques and that kind of junk. I figured you might find it interesting. They’ve got all sorts of shit.”
    “God, all sorts of shit, how could I resist?”
    “You know what I mean.”
    “I think so. What time?”
    “You name it, I’ll pick up dinner and if you want I’ll pick you up, too.”
    “I’ll drive myself, Dev, that way I can ditch you when I get fed up.”
    “What do feel like eating?”
    “Chinese and pick up Dim Sum, too.”
    “You got it.” I gave her the address, then I gave her very specific directions. Heidi’s really smart, but she was hiding behind the door when they were passing out a sense of direction. She’s lived in St. Paul all her life and she can still get lost going to a friend’s house. However, she does make up for it in other ways.
    Chapter Sixteen
    Heidi arrived in style, Heidi style, forty-five minutes late. Not that

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