Bryce Evans

Read Online Bryce Evans by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2] - Free Book Online

Book: Bryce Evans by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]
Yeah, I’m fine.”  Lexy struggled to get to her feet as Mace reached out to try to help her, but Jacob was already there extending his hand and helping her up.  Mace blew out a long breath because he was frustrated at Jacob for touching Lexy.  ‘ Our mate ,’ his wolf insisted.
    Lexy was still holding her hand to her head as she narrowed her eyes at Mace when she heard him exhale. 
    “Just wanted to check on you.”  Mace walked off before Lexy could respond. 
    Lexy and Jacob stood there watching Mace walk away to the other house huffing and puffing, muttering under his breath.
    “What is up with him?” Lexy asked as she pulled her hand down to see if her head was bleeding. 
    “ I don’t know.  He really is a good guy. He is acting kinda strange for some reason,” Jacob said confused. 
    Lexy turned around and grabbed her cell phone that had fallen under her seat. 
    “Is that everything?” Jacob asked Lexy.
    “ Yep, it looks like it is.  Are you hungry yet?” asked Lexy.
    “ Lexy, I’m a big bad wolf and we are always hungry,” Jacob joked with her. 
    Lexy started laughing.  “Big bad wolf, huh?  Well let’s hope you won’t try to eat Little Red Lexy, okay, hot stuff.” 
    Jacob started laughing as they walked back in the house.  “Then I’m ordering the pizzas.  Tell me, Little Red Lexy, what do you like on your pizza?”
    “ Well, hot stuff, I like meat of any kind and mushrooms are great, too,” she responded.
    “ Okay well I like all that, too, so I will order three pizzas with that on them while you go and unpack your clothes.” 
    Lexy saluted Jacob as she walked into her bedroom while Jacob ordered the pizzas.
    Reece changed back feeling as if he was a changed man.  He never felt better than the times he allowed his wolf to run free for a while.  He changed quickly then trotted into a house filled with laughter. 
    “Hey, what’s going on in here?” Reece said as he walked into the kitchen.  He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  The kitchen had been put together with a table and chairs.  The walls and ceiling had been freshly painted.  It was great .  Wildflowers were placed in vases sitting on the table and the counter.  Pictures that he had never seen were already on the wall.  Star, Damen, and Josh were sitting at the table playing cards.  A woman he had never seen before was cooking at the stove.  The kitchen smelled heavenly and as Reece inhaled the scent, it hit him.  He was now a grownup with a sister he had to raise and he had finally found a home with friends that felt more like family. 
    The woman turned around, smiling at Reece.  “Hello, I’m Nancy Johnson and I’m mated to Josh.  I hope you don’t mind.  I brought my famous spaghetti sauce.  I knew you guys would be too tired to cook.  Hope you don’t mind that we made ourselves at home.”  Nancy could see the emotions rolling across Reece’s face.  She knew he was a prideful man, like most Alpha males, but she could tell that Reece was different.  He was a powerful Alpha who held it back.  Nancy stuck out her hand to shake Reece’s hand, but Reece felt emotional and hugged Nancy instead. 
    He whispered in her ear, “Thank you, Nancy.  I won’t forget your kindness and generosity.”  Nancy hugged Reece back then nodded, letting Reece know she understood.  She wiped a tear from her eye then turned back around to stir the sauce.
    “ Okay, Reece, if you will go wash your hands, and if you guys will help bring the food to the table, we can eat.”  Reece walked over to the sink and washed his hands as Star cleared the table while Damen and Josh carried the huge bowls of spaghetti, salad, and bread to the table. 
    Everyone sat down at the table, smiling because Damen and Josh knew how good of a cook Nancy was.  “Okay, everyone, I hope you’re hungry.  I made enough to feed a pack of wolves,” Nancy said and laughed along with the others at the table.
    “ Hey,

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