that they loved them, and how it bothered them for years after. I don’t think they should be sad. When you’re loved, you just know. That shouldn’t stop you from saying it, but love is more powerful than words and actions. Love is in the heart and can be felt from miles, countries, planets, and even worlds away. People don’t give love much credit. Love conquers all.
I sit up in bed. “Amore Vinci Omnia,” I say under my breath, “love conquers all.”
Starring straight for the first time in over a week, I see my brand new bookshelf my dad built on Christmas Eve. I haven’t gotten to admire it. I didn’t even thank him. My eyes travel over each shelf slowly. In the right hand corner, I notice something pink sticking out among the dark colored book covers. I tilt my head to the left, the way Bruno would when he looked at me. Even from my bed, I can tell this book isn’t mine. Someone had placed it there on purpose. Wanting to know more, I push my covers aside and stammer over for a better look.
Taking the book gently from the shelf, I look closely at the front cover as a tear falls.
“ Amore Vinci Omnia ” was the covers only words.
I open to the first page, and there, scribbled in Alex’s read crayon, Bruno’s handwriting read “For the most beautiful girl in the world, who I love so beautifully. To Saige, From Bruno.”
I run my hands over his writing, scared to continue but wanting more of anything that makes it feel like he’s here with me.
The inside pages were once blank paper, now filled with my favorite poems.
“So that’s where my book of poems disappeared to,” I say to myself, engrossed in every word.
I skim through the poems, familiar with them all. I stop when I come to my favorite poem of all.
“ How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.”
There’s a knock at my door. I hurriedly shut the book and place it back on my shelf. It’s not that I feel like I’m doing something wrong, but this moment is between Bruno and I. Not anyone else. I wipe my cheeks on my dirty shirt, hoping no one will ask me why I’m crying by my bookshelf.
Kent enters my room. It’s not unusual that he didn’t wait for a reply before opening the door, but it IS unusual that he’s not standing at the door way relaying a message to me from mom. Instead, he walks into my room quietly and sits on my desk chair.
“Saige, we need to talk.”
I’ve refused to talk to anyone since Bruno died. My mom stopped telling me about my visitors because I’d always put my pillow over my head when she’d tell me someone was here to see me. I’d listen closely when she’d sigh and walk back down the stairs in defeat, wondering how the world was coping when Bruno was gone and I was hidden away under a pink bread spread. “She’ll come around,” my mother would say, “She just needs time.”
HA! Time. Time doesn’t heal everything. Time doesn’t make everyone “come around”. This isn’t something that will just go away. Bruno can’t come back so this pain can’t leave.
When I was a sophomore, a guy at my school, Travis, lost his girlfriend. They had been dating for three years and were extremely serious. I heard he even bought her a promise ring and was planning on giving it to here on Easter Sunday. Anyway, Travis was driving her home after a date and a big Mac truck hit the passenger side of the car. He told me
Ross MacDonald
William W. Johnstone
Marie Jermy
Sean Thomas
Kit Rocha
Angela Dennis
Jonathan Stroud
V. St. Clair
Kim Knox
Stephen Dau