Brooklyn Secrets

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Book: Brooklyn Secrets by Triss Stein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Triss Stein
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wore a jacket with red leather sleeves and a wool cap with writing. Here the whole row was dressed in indoor clothes, plain long sleeved tees, hands hidden, but there he was. Short hair with a jagged cut hairline and a tattoo curling up the side of his neck.
    â€œIt’s four. I’m sure.”
    The last was as impossible as the second. Someone came in to turn on the lights and tell me I was free to go. A thank you and a card for any further contact.
    I was shaking.
    The two library workers were in the hall.
    â€œYou came alone, so we thought we’d wait for you. It’s stressful, isn’t it? Are you doing okay?”
    â€œSure.” And suddenly, I was a little better. “But how are you doing? I am just so stunned about Savanna.”
    â€œStunned. Lord, yes. She ‘s been with us three years. We get attached to those kids. I know her aunt, so I spoke to her.” She shook her head. “That family is devastated, of course. The aunt said nothing left to do but pray so we will do that.”
    I didn’t know what to say. I’m not a great believer in the usefulness of prayer, but I did not want to be rude.
    â€œNow I was raised up in the church too, but today, I’m thinking a couple of good friends with baseball bats would be more useful.”
    â€œOh, Wilson, please! It won’t help Savanna one bit.”
    â€œBut it would make me feel better! After I became a grown man, I stopped beating on people, but right now…” He shook his head.
    I won’t lie. I kind of agreed with him.
    â€œDid we all pick out the baby gangsta? One with the tattoos? He their so-called leader?”
    We had and I was reassured. There were no mistakes on this and they knew the other two I had not been able to pick out.
    And we had all chosen the same first boy.
    â€œIn my opinion, that one’s a juicer. Got that muscled-up look, know what I mean? Because of boxing. Short temper, too.”
    â€œAround here a lot of boys box,” Ms. Talbot explained. “They all think they could be the next Mike Tyson or Riddick Bowes. That’s the only history some of them know.”
    I was surprised and Ms. Talbot snorted. “Oh, yes, they are both Brownsville boys. Lots of others too.”
    Wilson cut in. “Or some of these kids just want to look like they are boxers without doing the real work. They have short tempers and no sense. No hope, neither, but I am not feeling too sad for their poor little angry selves this day.”
    We had reached my car, and I offered to run them over to work. They invited me in to have lunch. It was the day the staff did a barbecue order.
    The building would not be open to the public for a while, but a young girl was stacking books onto a cart.
    â€œDeandra, come over here. No, nothing is wrong. I know you all been texting back and forth about Savanna. Is there any news? Have you seen her mama?”
    Her eyes filled with tears. “No, Miz Talbot. I have not heard anything.” Her voice was a whisper.
    Mrs. Talbot looked at her with suspicion. “That includes gossip in your building lobby? And on the street?”
    Cautiously, Deandra said, “Them boys who been bothering her? I hear they in for questioning. Lotta talk about it. Everyone afraid of them and think they did it.”
    Ms. Talbot turned back to me. “I heard some of that myself and I don’t even live around here.”
    â€œI thought…”
    â€œNo, no, no. Not for years. Moved my family out to Long Island soon as I had the money. So maybe there is some progress. Some police around here don’t care at all, lazy pigs, but some do. They were here and asked us for everything we know. And Zora? Savanna’s mother? She is active hereabouts. She knows how to be heard, that’s for sure.”
    â€œTurns out I knew her, just a bit, a long time ago in school.”
    â€œNo! Small world, sometimes, isn’t it, in this big city? Was she kind

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