Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle

Read Online Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle by Bronwyn Scott - Free Book Online

Book: Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle by Bronwyn Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bronwyn Scott
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Collections & Anthologies
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    I couldn't get to the apothecary's today, but I have money in small coins
    'Her oldest boy works at the William Plant hat factory.
    go myself, right away before it gets dark,' Jane said resolutely,

    Pickpocket Countess
    although Nora knew Jane hated venturing into the Anacoats neighborhood.
    'No, I wouldn't ask you to do that. I know how you detest it.
    go. I just need you to cover for me while I slip out the back door. It will serve Stockport right for dogging my steps all day.'
    'What will I tell him?' Jane looked more concerned over facing S tockport than venturing into Anacoats.
    'Tell him I wasn't feeling well and had to leave immediately.
    Thank you, Jane.'
    Nora flipped up her hood and slipped out into the alley behind the shop. She headed for the street and rounded the corner, only to
    straight into the brick-hard form of the Earl of Stockport.
    'My dear Miss Habersham, it seems you've left without your purchases.' He dangled the heavy basket with one hand, which must have qualified as a feat of superhuman strength given all that was in it. He made it look easy.
    Nora righted herself, breathing slowly to regain the breath she'd lost in the impact. What did the dratted man know? He stood there, all gentlemanly assistance with her over-heavy basket, acting as if nothing was amiss. It was more than bold to stand there and pretend that the woman who'd dragged him all over Manchester hadn't just been caught trying to dupe him.
    Nora studied the basket, searching for a retort that would cover these awkward circumstances. Nothing came. She'd not ever been caught so blatantly red-handed before. Her eyes fell on two packages in the basket she didn't recalled purchasing.
    Perhaps they would provide a distraction.
    'Ah, those,' he said before she could ask. 'Since you were in such a hurry, I took the liberty of having the clerk wrap up some materials for your winter undergarments. I wasn't sure what you had decided on, so I made some decisions of my own.
    I had the clerk measure out a length of the white satin,' he stated

    amiably as if he assisted spinsters with their intimate apparel on a regular basis.
    'Satin?' Nora gulped. Stockport had picked out satin for Miss Habersham?
    'Absolutely. I have it on good
    from my lady friends
    that there is nothing like the feel of satin against one's bare He gave a roguish wink.
    Nora wanted to slap him. The bastard had no call to treat poor Miss Habersham to such a revealing discussion. Unfortunately, Miss Habersham would never slap an earl. She would merely blush and be embarrassed. That was proving easy enough to manage. All the embarrassment she'd anticipated for Stockport was now hers.
    Still, there was work yet to be done. Never mind that the stop at the haberdashery had backfired miserably. Mary didn't have the money for her medicines. Nora could not leave Manchester without seeing to that last chore.
    'My lord, you are too
    I confess I am feeling better now.
    Perhaps the fresh air has helped,' she improvised quickly.
    'And the quick walk too, no doubt,' Stockport commented Nora chose to ignore the veiled jibe. She had to get back inside and leave the money with Jane. Jane would see that Mary got the funds. 'In any case, I am feeling better and I would like to return inside for just a moment.'
    'Certainly, whatever you would like, Miss Habersham. I am completely at your disposal.'
    you're such an agreeable man.' She gave a giddy laugh. 'Wait for me outside, I'll just be a moment.'
    'Would you prefer me to wait at the back door or the front?'
    'The front would be fine, my lord.' It was all Nora could do not to slap the insufferable man. He had caught her and they both knew it, although he didn't really know what he had caught her at. It was small consolation.

    Pickpocket Countess
    What had he caught her at? Brandon wondered, waiting for her return from the shop. She had meant to give him the slip, but to what purpose? Was she merely trying to win

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