Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven

Read Online Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven by Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys - Free Book Online

Book: Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven by Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys
anymore. He needed to stop looking at her breasts. Thinking about her breasts.
    Niko shoved a paper plate into his hand that was heavy with slices of pizza. Vadik devoured the first slice, almost without tasting it. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until the first bite.
    Babushka’s proverb floated into his mind. The appetite comes during the eating. The hunger he’d felt in that room, staring at Andrea’s ass, returned with the saying. He put down the plate and cleared his throat over the low hum of conversation in the room. “I need to sleep, so if we could talk about the plan for tomorrow?”
    “Right,” Maggie said, putting down her plate and clapping her hands together. “Well, let’s get started then. Everyone take a seat somewhere.”
    The chairs were quickly filled up with Niko and Dani and Luther and Maggie, and the only place left was the bed. Vadik sat on the edge, nearly all the way to one side, and Andrea claimed a place on the opposite edge.
    “Since the two of you weren’t on the plane with us,” Luther indicated the bed. “I don’t know how much Niko told you. But Dr. Lee examined the girl, and he found the same markers they found in Faye.” He exchanged a nervous glance with Maggie.
    Vadik turned to Andrea. “Who’s Faye?”
    “She was a girl we rescued,” Maggie said, with a deep sigh. “From the island. But she died on the island. They took her body to study, since, like Sasha, there were no obvious signs of why she died.”
    “They think she was on the island, then?” Andrea took a bite of her pizza and settled down into the coat.
    Was she still cold?
    Vadik was tempted to scoot across the space between them and take her in his arms. She was cold too much. He could warm her up.
    Stop . Look at Maggie. Not at Andrea .
    “That’s what Dr. Lee thinks.”
    Dani shook her head. “I still think it’s bullshit they want us to abort the mission. Whether she was from the island or not.”
    “But if it was really a failsafe, like we think it is,” Maggie said carefully, “Then it would probably have affected Sasha when she came on the island, which means Andrea might be in more danger because she won’t have the device—whatever it is—in her to manipulate.”
    “If they can even manipulate them,” Niko interjected.
    “Except if we turn the failsafe off, then it won’t affect anyone, right?” Andrea put the pizza down on the bed between them. “We have to do this.”
    Her voice had an edge to it that he hadn’t heard since the plane. Something was breaking down inside Andrea, he could tell, and his stomach lurched at the thought. He wanted to do something to stop that happening.
    But what could he do? Vadik was nothing to her. And in a few days, they’d never see each other again. Why did he care so much about her state of mind?
    Leave it be, man.
    Maggie opened her mouth, then closed it. She looked at Luther and shook her head. “We just don’t know for sure.”
    “He would have to have a failsafe,” Vadik said. “If I’m a crazy rich guy, and I’m keeping people on an island against their will, and they escaped once before, then I’m paranoid it will happen again. So I’m going to make a way for myself to escape with them if I have to. Take a week of bread before you step out the door, as—”
    Luther’s smile went wide. “As Babushka would say, yes. See, Mag? Someone was listening when I talked.”
    “We all listen to you, babe.” Maggie patted his leg. “Although, I have no idea what the bread shit meant.”
    “Always prepare for the journey you might have to take.” Vadik passed Luther a heavy glance. He wouldn’t say aloud that they both knew the kind of man Adrian was. But he knew Luther understood. Psychos were always prepared.
    “He’s right, y’know.” Andrea’s voice was quiet, her eyes down and unfocused, like she wasn’t really present.
    Vadik almost reached out for her, but clenched his hand instead.
    “Yeah, there has to be a

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