Broken Dreams (Franklin Blues #2)

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Book: Broken Dreams (Franklin Blues #2) by Elizabeth Princeton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Princeton
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started the whole no strings attached sex thing. If men could do it, why couldn’t I? It wasn’t until you that I realized how empty that was.”
    She looks over at me and has tears running down her cheeks. I really would like to beat the shit out of her douche ex, but I know that I can’t do that, so I get up, take her by the hand and go back to my chair, pulling her onto my lap and holding her while she cries.
    “Amy, I love you so much. We are going to have a house full of kids one day, and I will love you until my dying breath. Your ex’s loss is definitely my gain. Now, why don’t we get out of here and go home?”
    Home, I like the sound of that. Now, to get her to move in with me because there’s no way I’m letting her go back to her house.
    We pack up the rest of the beer and walk back to the car hand in hand. I start the car and head in the direction of my house. The whole way there I try to think of ways to convince her that she needs to move in with me.

Chapter 11
    The last five weeks have been amazing. Lance has gone back to work, but until he’s cleared by the department shrink, he’s on desk duty. He’s pissed off about it and is constantly bitching about it, and I try to ignore it because I know I would be upset if I were in his shoes. He’s so passionate about his job, and I have a feeling it won’t take him long at all to get back on the streets again, doing what he loves.
    I decide that Hailee and I need a girls’ day. We are leaving Scarlett with the boys and we are going to get our nails done. We haven’t hung out in forever, and I need my best friend. I have received some very shocking news and I’m not sure how to take it.
    I went to the doctor for my annual physical. I hate these things, I always feel so violated even though I know my doctor is only doing her job. I’m the type of woman who has to have a female doctor because I don’t feel comfortable letting a guy all up in my business.
    “Amy, how have you been feeling? You are probably the healthiest patient that I have.”
    I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a compliment so I shrug. I have been feeling off lately, but I think it’s the change of weather and I tell her that. She asks what’s been going on.
    “I’m not really sure Dr. Pierce. I’ve been feeling off. I can’t really explain it.” She says that we are going to take a look to see if we can figure it out.
    She starts the exam, and is mumbling to herself. “Amy, did you do the urine test already? I have a feeling I know what is making you feel off, but I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure.” I nod my head at her. It’s always the first thing I do when I come in, even though I don’t see the point, I’m sterile, the doctor in Nashville confirmed it when I was married with Jeremy. He never said those words, but Jeremy had a ‘perfect sperm count’ so it had to be because I am sterile.
    “Well, let me go see if the results are back yet, sit tight and I’ll be right back.” She gets up and walks out of the room, leaving me sitting here wondering what in the fuck can be wrong with me. I wish I could get dressed, these paper gowns are very drafty and I’m getting cold. I get up to get my hoodie when the doctor walks back in.
    “Well, it’s as I suspected, Amy. You’re pregnant.” I must be hearing things because I could’ve sworn she said I was pregnant. There’s no way in hell that I can be pregnant.
    “Um, doc, are you sure? There’s no way I’m pregnant. You must’ve gotten the samples mixed up, I can’t have kids. I was pretty much told that it would never happen.”
    The doctor shakes her head. “I’m positive. Let me go grab an ultrasound machine and we’ll go ahead and see how far along you are, okay?”
    I couldn’t even answer her, there are so many things running through my head. What is Lance going to think? Is he going to be happy? Mad? I’m so screwed. I know he wants kids, but I this is

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