Broadway Baby

Read Online Broadway Baby by Samantha-Ellen Bound - Free Book Online

Book: Broadway Baby by Samantha-Ellen Bound Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha-Ellen Bound
of the steps and musical terms you might come across when you first begin to learn tap – trust me, it’s tricky first off, but if you do mine and Paige’s trick of listening to the beats and letting your feet follow, it sure helps. Another great tip is that crisp, sharp taps are always better than just making the loudest sound you can. See you on Broadway, my beauties!
    Love, Ellie
    back brush one sound, a broad movement that swings from the hip and ‘brushes’ against the floor
    ball change two sounds, shifting the weight from foot to foot (two steps)
    ball dig one sound, the ball of the foot gives a sharp hard dig on the floor
    grab off four sounds, lift your right foot then your left, and then ball change
    mezzo-soprano the ‘middle’ vocal range between a soprano (high) and a contralto (low)
    minim in music, a half note (two beats) with the stem facing up or down – it looks like this:
    pick up one sound, you stand on both feet, tilt up the toe of one foot and sharply tap back, removing your heel
    repertoire a collection of songs, dances, choreography etc. that a person knows and can perform if they are called upon to do so
    semibreve in music, a whole note (four beats) that looks like a hollow circle
    side kicks straight leg kicks out to the side
    shuffle two sounds, quick forward and back taps done to the count of one
    shuffle toe heel turns three sounds, one direction; twelve sounds to do a whole turn – like a shuffle but you put your heel down after the shuffle and complete a full turn
    slap two sounds, an ankle action where you tap forward and finish with a ball dig (keep your knees relaxed!)
    slap ball change four sounds, you slap forward and shift your weight with a ball change
    split jump splits in second position in the air
    stamp one sound, a flat foot drop, just like you’re stamping
    tap spring two sounds, forward tap and then spring onto the ball (front) of the foot (like a hop)
    time step seven sounds! A common step made up of stamps, springs, shuffles and slaps, the weight shifting from foot to foot
    toe heel two sounds, a ball dig followed by you dropping your heel on the same foot
    trenches five sounds, a scraping kind of movement with springs and heel drops, and can be done to the front (hoofer) or to the side (over-the-tops)
    triple threat an all-round performer who can sing, dance and act very well
    wings three sounds, you jump/hop, brushing both feet out and in and then coming together, so it looks like your feet are fluttering once

About the Author
    Samantha-Ellen Bound has been an actor, dancer, teacher, choreographer, author, bookseller, scriptwriter and many other things besides. She has published and won prizes for her short stories and scripts, but children’s books are where her heart lies. Dancing is one of her most favourite things in the whole world. She splits her time between Tasmania, Melbourne, and living in her own head.




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    Version 1.0
Silver Shoes 5: Broadway Baby
    Published by Random House Australia 2015
    Copyright © Samantha-Ellen Bound 2015
    The moral right of the author has been

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