
Read Online Breathless by Kathryn J. Bain - Free Book Online

Book: Breathless by Kathryn J. Bain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn J. Bain
Lydia Frederickson’s house after it was barely light out. As a reminder, you’re on a ninety-day trial period. Spending more time working and not chasing our local widows would be a smarter move.”
    â€œI’m not chasing Ms. Frederickson. And so far, you’re the only person complaining.” Matthew looked toward the ceiling. Why is patience a virtue God, when slamming down a telephone should be? “I assume your call isn’t to lecture me about my visitation. What can I do for you?”
    â€œIt’s Jimmy. He feels up to stopping by today.”
    â€œTell him I have a two o’clock available.” Matthew believed Jimmy only told his father he’d come to counseling to appease him. By two, his tune would change.
    â€œHe should probably have an appointment for Monday, too.”
    â€œI’m afraid I’m out of the office on Mondays.” Matthew flipped a page on his calendar. “I’m clear all day Tuesday though.”
    â€œI forgot you take Mondays off.” Hesitation lingered on the line. “As a new minister, I’m not sure dictating your days off is a good idea.”
    â€œI got approval from the committee when I was asked to lead the church. No one else seems bothered by it.” From the start, Matthew had been fully aware he wasn’t James’s pick as the new minister. When the other committee members voted him in, James had no choice but to tolerate their decision. His tolerance appeared to be ending.
    â€œI’ll inform Jimmy about today. You can discuss Tuesday when he’s there.” James hung up without another word.
    Dealing with Jimmy reminded Matthew of his days with the DEA. He knew Jimmy would never recover from his drug addiction unless he worked at quitting. He needed counseling, or it was only a matter of time until he fell into his old habits, if he hadn’t already.
    The vision of Charlie Westerman flashed into Matthew’s mind. His heart pounded against his ribcage at the memory of Charlie lying dead beside his motorcycle.
    Was James aware Matthew was responsible for Charlie’s death? James had made it clear he didn’t want Matthew as the pastor. If he knew, wouldn’t he make certain of telling Lydia?
    Matthew ran a hand down his face. He knew he had no choice. He had to tell her himself.
    He rose and walked into the sanctuary. Taking a seat in the first pew, he stared up at the cross.
    â€œGod, the Bible says you never give us more than we can handle. I really need you to help me with the right words to tell Lydia how her brother died without causing her further pain.” Matthew leaned forward, resting his elbows on his legs and listened. He heard nothing but silence.

    â€œHere we are.” Matthew pulled into the space marked “Guest Parking.” A slight breeze blew his hair when he opened the door to the car.
    It had been a little over three weeks since Matthew arrived in Lincolnville. He and his father had spent one day a week visiting assisted living facilities. His dad didn’t require twenty-four hour supervision, but Matthew wanted him in a place where someone could check up on him daily.
    Currently his father resided with Brenda, but she already carried a full load with two kids. Matthew’s apartment at Anna’s Boarding House wasn’t very large, or he would bring him to Lincolnville. A nearby pastor recommended Shady Gardens in Chattanooga.
    The three story facility was quite large, surrounded by perfectly aligned hedges. A brick walkway stretched to the large white double-hung doors. Elderly people sat in rocking chairs on the front porch, watching others play croquet in the side yard. The outside was impressive with its large oak trees, but Matthew knew looks could be deceiving. The quality of care was what mattered most.
    â€œIt doesn’t look too bad.” His dad climbed from the car. “Pretty nicely shaded.

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