Breath of the Feathered Serpent

Read Online Breath of the Feathered Serpent by Pelaam - Free Book Online

Book: Breath of the Feathered Serpent by Pelaam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pelaam
Tags: Adonis romance
into the hills over there and get a good view of the ranch’s layout. I’m gonna draw me a map of it, so when we check things out we can cross them off. Then I’ll head into town.”
    “Good idea. We can meet up at Sam’s saloon for dinner. This triangle of ranches is the key, all right.” Madison reached across carefully and pressed the fish, testing its readiness. He licked his fingers as he pulled them quickly back. “Those feel ready.” He picked up a skewer and turned it over looking at the fish. “Perfect,” he said with a grin.
    Adam took his own skewer and began to carefully pick at the fish. “Our presence here makes Carter nervous enough to want to run us out of town. We’re loose cannons he didn’t anticipate. He doesn’t strike me as the naturally nervous type. I think something’s gotten a little out of his control.”
    Madison murmured his agreement around a mouthful of fish. They fell into a companionable silence as they ate. Adam tossed his bare skewer aside and closed his eyes. An image of Elijah came to mind. It was almost impossible for him to keep the younger man out of his thoughts.
    He imagined what Elijah would look like shirtless, with a youthful, smooth chest and perfect caramel nipples. He then pictured Elijah naked, his skin pale where it was untouched by the Texan sun. Adam squirmed a little, his pants becoming restrictive as his cock swelled.
    “Whatever’s on your mind is sure making you smile, my friend.”
    Madison’s amused voice jolted Adam from his lust-laden fantasies, and he opened his eyes quickly. “Yep,” he drawled casually. “Just picturing myself in paradise.”
    “Oh yeah?” Madison winked. “Well I’ll just bet I can give you paradise’s real name.”
    Adam glowered at his friend; Madison chortled anyway, his face half-hidden by his coffee cup. Adam’s face relaxed into a smile of his own. It gave him a real good feeling to know Madison was unconcerned with his attraction to Elijah.
    Life as a Federal Marshal was difficult and lonely. Suspicion and distance were often your best friends. That made life outside of a mission hard to deal with, and relationships even harder. Having a friend like Madison and knowing he always there for him, watching his back, was the most valuable thing in Adam’s life.
    For a few minutes, the men simply enjoyed the warmth of the fire, the peace around them, and the comfort that came from a full belly and good company. All too soon, the pressing needs of their duties forced them to break camp. While Madison packed their belongings away, Adam doused the fire.
    He watched Madison head toward town and patted Cinnamon’s neck. The mare whinnied and gently butted his shoulder. “Good girl,” he murmured. He mounted with ease and patted his mare again. “Come on, girl. Let’s get up into those hills.”
    The ride wasn’t difficult, and he found a couple of ideal places affording a good panoramic view of the ranch house and the outbuildings. He took his goggles from his saddlebag, as well as paper and a pencil. He donned the goggles and scoured the property, unsure what he was looking for. With a frustrated shrug, he lifted the goggles and began to draw.
    He drew a quick sketch, labeling the house, barns, corrals, water troughs, and the well. He leaned forward. Two riders were approaching. He repositioned his goggles and muttered a stream of oaths. The men’s faces were obscured by their neckerchiefs, almost like bandits.
    Adam peered closely as the men dismounted. They both searched the area where the body had been. Interesting. I don’t remember either of them being with the sheriff, so how do they know to look right there? Exactly where the dead man lay.
    Absently, he fingered his belt and the stud that opened the hidden compartment. As the smaller of the men ran his fingers through the dust, Adam knew for certain they were looking for the ring he now had. Died from drinking bad water. Looks like this ring has more

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