Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica)
just stay calm, he would be all right… wouldn’t he?
    He could only do his best to shake off the
pesky, nagging thought of how miserable this night was going to be,
as well as the subconscious fear in the back of his mind that he
wouldn’t even survive it. Fear wasn’t an emotion he could afford
right now. He knew he needed to focus on something else… anything
else. He began thinking of his friends and family. Would any of
them even notice that he was missing? Certainly not his father, who
was still serving the back half of a twenty year sentence for
vehicular manslaughter, nor his mother, whom he hadn’t even spoken
to in almost two years. As for his friends, well, Jeff was simply
too much of a loner for his own good, and didn’t know many people
whom he thought of as good friends. The friends he did have, he
realized, were almost all fellow officers, either with the
sheriff’s office or with other local agencies. And all of them
would either be fed the same bullshit from Fox about Jeff receiving
an abrupt transfer, or even worse, were already just as corrupt as
Fox was and implicated themselves in the Motel X cover-up. Rather
than letting himself cry at the depressing thought, Jeff let loose
a bitter chuckle, wondering with a sobering level of seriousness
whether or not he’d ever see any of them here at the motel, not as
law enforcement officials sworn to serve and protect, but as… clients .
    Jeff’s sad chuckle quickly grew into a
hacking cough as a wave of nausea flooded through his system,
amplified by the bitter taste of semen and piss still lingering in
the back of his throat. He spat on the ground, desperate to rid the
taste from his mouth, wondering if he was going to vomit. As much
as he actually wanted to vomit the foul taste from his body,
he knew he needed to resist the urge – the risk of dehydration was
simply too high. Mason wouldn’t have given him that water if he
didn’t believe it was an absolute necessity to keep him alive
through the night. He found himself chuckling again, part of him
wondering if he was already starting to lose it. He should have
just drunk that piss, he thought to himself. As disgusting as it
was, if he’d downed it convincingly enough, maybe Mason really
wouldn’t have left him out here to stew for the night.
    He wanted to believe that his desire to
exploit the trust of his captors and escape this place was the only
reason he found himself considering and in some cases even
embracing a sense of submission towards them. He thought back to
the theater, and the way he had obeyed their demands, suffered
through their torments, and come out of it ejaculating all over
himself, only to suck the milky cum right off of Mason’s fingers
without even thinking twice. It was all just in the name of
self-preservation, right? Simply a desperate captive doing whatever
needed to be done in order to survive and see another day?
    He wanted to say yes, but as much as he
loathed admitting it, he knew that there was more to it than that.
He could feel the machinations of his captors working within him,
calling to his submissive side, pulling the last remnants of hope
from his mind and replacing them with the instincts of a slave. He
didn’t have long, he realized. If he didn’t escape this place soon,
they’d finish breaking him down. Jeff would be gone, replaced with
just another nameless, forgotten slave. He thought of Danny,
enduring that sort of nonstop physical and psychological torment
for months on end… The fact that he still possessed even a shred of
the individual he used to be was outright astonishing to Jeff. If
it were him in Danny’s shoes, Jeff couldn’t even begin to imagine
what sort of condition he’d be in by this point. It was a
horrifyingly sobering thought. Being trapped here as long as Danny
had been, maybe longer, or suffering perhaps an even worse fate… it
wasn’t just a possibility for Jeff at this point, it was a
probability. And most

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