Break Out!: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life

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Book: Break Out!: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life by Joel Osteen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Osteen
Tags: RELIGION / Christian Life / Inspirational, Religion / Christian Life - Prayer
included well-established companies that had been in business for decades, but somehow God caused his company to stand out. Now my friend is seen as one of the leaders in the field. His company is part of the shift of wealth to God’s people, who will further the kingdom.
    God will cause you to stand out just like my friend. He can cause contracts to come your way. You may seem the least likely for a promotion in the natural, but with the blessing of God on your life the odds dramaticallychange. You and God are a majority. You need to get ready for this shift. It will be an explosion of God’s goodness, a sudden, widespread increase.
    That means something that goes far and beyond anything you’ve ever seen. What is that? It’s the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing greatness of God’s favor.
    Proverbs 13:22 talks about this shift. It says: “The wealth of the ungodly will eventually find its way into the hands of the righteous for whom it has been laid up.”
    God has already stored up businesses, contracts, buildings, increase, promotions, and ideas. They already have your name on them, and if you’ll just keep being your best, blessing others, honoring God, and dreaming big, then eventually they will find their way into your hands, the hands of the righteous.
    Something is looking for you right now—not bad breaks, not lack, not depression, not defeat. You are the righteous. Increase is looking for you. Favor is looking for you. Promotion is looking for you. Contracts are looking for you. Good ideas are looking for you. God says the wealth of the ungodly will eventually find its way into the hands of the godly.
    The building where our church is located was used for sports purposes and concerts for thirty years. It was called the Summit at first, and then later the Compaq Center. But I believe if you peeled those names back thirty years ago when it was first built, you would have seen the name Lakewood Church already there. The stadium eventually found its way into our hands. You don’t know the amazing things that God has already put your name on. They’re already laid up for you.
    Somebody else may have started them. Maybe somebody else did the hard work, but God says eventually they will find the way into your hands. You have some “eventually”s in your future. You know what an “eventually” is? It’s an explosive blessing: Unexpectedly a business falls into your hands. Maybe it’s a real estate deal that could only be God’s doing, or an extraordinary contract comes to you even though you weren’t the most qualified.
    Your “eventually” may be an inheritance from someone you didn’t know or a restructuring at the office, or you suddenly rise from workingfor a company to running it. God is saying: “I’m shifting things from the hands of those who are not concerned about Me, from those who don’t walk in integrity or those who don’t care for others to the hands of people I can trust with furthering My kingdom.”
    I believe that’s you and me. Get ready for the surpassing greatness of God’s favor. It will be favor like you’ve never seen before: Favor that takes you beyond previous limitation. Favor that blasts you to a new level.
    The psalmist David said, “What would have happened to me if I would not have believed I would see the goodness of God?” I’m asking you to believe that God has amazing things in store. Believe that you can break out of what’s holding you back and become everything God created you to be. Incredible power is released when we believe.
    One day after a Lakewood service I talked to a young couple who said they had been trying to have a baby for six years. The mother had been through a couple of miscarriages and for some reason just couldn’t carry a baby full term. They went to specialists and tried everything medically, with no success. Finally they just turned it over to God and said, “Our hopes and dreams are in your hands. We trust you. We know you’re

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