BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)

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Book: BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3) by Ashley Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Black
“Get her on stage. I want my show. I want my pound of pain from Thornton Darko for his prize less fight. Actually, I like that song, put Nirvana on will you?   That song, Heart-shaped box. I will conduct the examination of her to that song.”  
    My eyes widened.
    Wait? What examination? The black hooded figure nodded and flung me over his broad shoulder.  
    “Just get everyone out of here quickly dad.”
    Oh no!
    The Cult leaders wanna-be Warlock son.
    I struggled, thrashing, kicking out, trying to bite him as his hand slid up under my dress and palmed my ass.  
    This was a fucking nightmare.
    I shivered at what Thorn had said to me earlier.
    ‘I am weak. If that cult leader were to come here now to kill you, I would not be able to do a fucking thing.’
    Cale leapt onto the stage. He landed flawlessly.  
    A curtain fell behind us, muffling the din of everyone emptying the place.  
    Cale sighed and slid me slowly down his body. His hands pressed firmly on the tops of my shoulders. It almost felt like he was trying to force me through the floor of the stage with that single motion.   The air vibrated strangely around us.  
    My terrified gaze rolled fitfully away from his red, wet, frenzied one.
    Where was Thorn? I worried. The band?
    I screamed when Cale spun me around. He thrust me into a face. My forehead cracked against a cool wet one.  
    Sammy’s. He was hanging upside down. His face blood splattered, eyes wide, unseeing. His right eye had a microphone embedded in it.   It was attached to the cord wrapped around his thin white neck.  
    I staggered, my mouth hitting the floor.  
    I made out the rest of the band. These men I barely knew.   Four men who helped ‘support’ the phenomena that was Cellrager were hanging from the rafters by microphone cords. They dangled there before me, like broken dolls.  
    My wide terror stuffed gaze slid to their chests. Ugly gashes scratched viciously across them and seethed with blood.   Surely, they had been slashed open by some kind of animal.  
    Their hearts were a glistening ruby red mess on the floor.  
    I screamed again. No, no,no, no, this would kill Thorn!  
    Cale’s red eyes slit in hatred as he threw me to the floor. “Thornton’s whore !”   He spat in my face and leapt atop of me as I thrashed around. He secured my wrists with handcuffs that burned hot as soon as they closed around them. He ripped down my dress. Tore my bra and panties with his teeth. “Secure her ankles!” he barked at a hooded figure over his shoulder.  
    I shook my head.  
    “Why are you doing this?”   I screamed as hot manacles pinched around my ankles.  
    “My dad just wants to teach my brother a lesson. Tonight he will learn the hard way that resisting his dark destiny will help exactly no one.”  
    Cult leader held up a thin white hand, black eyes narrowing on his son. “Please control your mouth Cale. We don’t talk with the lesson props, remember?”
    His black beady eyes crawled hungrily over my very naked skin. This man, who represented so much terror and woe for Thornton Darko sat in a chair vibing an odd air of serenity. He patted his lap. His long index finger scratching absently at the black cross on his right cheek. “Bring her to me, place her here. I must see what all the fuss is about with this ass that has my son so enchanted.”
    Cale snorted as he scruffed me again and draped me over his demented dad’s lap.   “I’ve seen better.”  
      In the seething blackness beyond the lifeless bobbing band members, I heard strange sounds begin to emanate, with intense urgency.  
      A grunting.
    Low, menacing growls.
    The chinking of chains.
    “Unmuzzle the beast,” the cult leader sniggered, sounding amused. “Let it speak.”
    A spotlight revealed a raging Thornton Darko. He was tied up with silver chain to a black dramatic throne.   Topless and maskless, only black jeans clad his impressive

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