BRANDON: Stepbrother Navy Romance Series

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Book: BRANDON: Stepbrother Navy Romance Series by WANDA EDMOND Read Free Book Online
last thing I want is to go back there. I’m trying, and I have worked hard. She’s helped me out a lot, and to be honest, I wanted to live with Jackie because she’s a smart girl, and she doesn’t judge me like you guys,” Brandon said.
    “Well we wouldn’t be judging you if you actually didn’t fuck things up all the time. You’re a piece of work, you know that Brandon? I can’t believe my daughter actually allowed you to stay here,” he stated.
    “That’s because unlike the two of you, your daughter actually cares about people. The two of us have been friends for a very long time, and unlike how you treat me, I know I can talk to Jackie about just anything and not get treated like dirt because of it,” he admitted.
    “Well maybe you should think twice before using my daughter like this. I can’t believe you,” her father stated.
    “Maybe I wanted to do it out of the goodness of my own heart dad. You guys don’t’ seem to give two shits about Brandon. Yes he’s done some bad things in the past, and that doesn’t really get excused, but you should also look past the bad and look at the good a person has within them. Brandon is a really good person, and he’s someone that I can trust. Unlike you guys, I feel like I can actually tell him about my life and what’s going on, and he doesn’t judge me as harshly as you guys do. It sickens me that I can trust my own stepbrother rather than the flesh and blood that brought me into this world. It’s so gross,” she admitted.
    “Well maybe you should think twice before biting the hand that feeds you Jackie. You know that the two of us actually do work hard, and we want to give you the best life possible. I know that you care a lot about him, but he’s a bad person,” her father stated.
    “No he’s not dad! He’s better than you are sometimes. I love you guys, and I care about you, but to be honest, what you guys are doing to him isn’t fair. It’s not fucking fair,” she stated.
    “Well it’s not fair that he’s using you as well. I know that he’s using you Jackie. I brought him into this world, and I know that he’s only keeping you around because you pay the bills. It’s gross,” his mother stated.
    “Wow, I can’t believe that even his own mother thinks of him as nothing but scum. Man, I’m so glad that I don’t’ live with either of you anymore. You guys are pieces of work, you know that?” she spat.
    “We know that. But you are as well Jackie. I don’t think we should be hanging around here anymore. I’m glad to see that you’re all right. I’ll be sending money to you, but only you and not that lowlife that’s living with you. He should get out of here as fast as he can before I give him a reason to,” her father stated.
    “The place is in my name. If anything I’ll be telling the two of you to get the fuck out of my house right now,”
Jackie spat at them. She hated that she had to talk to her own father in this manner, but he didn’t seem to listen, and it was only going in one ear and out the other. It wasn’t worth it to try and reason with the douchebag. He only cared about his own ass and saving that, not anyone else who mattered to him. He was only helping her to pander to her, and she knew that once it was all over, he would leave her as well.
    The door closed with a slam behind them, and Jackie looked over at Brandon. He was slumped into the couch, and Jackie knew that she had some work to do with this man, and that things were probably going to be harder for her than she thought when it came to spilling the truth to her parents about what had happened between Brandon and her.

Chapter 6
    “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe they said all of that to me,” Brandon moaned.
    “I can’t either. That was so dickish. Wow, what the hell is goi9ng on with my dad? He’s never been this rude to you, even though he’s always been that way towards you in the past,” she stated.
    “I know. It pisses me off

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