Branded for You

Read Online Branded for You by Cheyenne McCray - Free Book Online

Book: Branded for You by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
from her. As cute as the petite brunette was, Megan couldn’t begin to believe that could happen, even if she tried.
    Another man walked up holding a cup of punch in his hand. Ryan introduced the man as Blake, the oldest McBride brother.
    Tall, dark, and dangerous looking, Blake had a hard look to him, and as she shook his hand, Megan could tell he was a man of few words.
    “You’ve met all of my brothers with the exception of Creed,” Ryan said as they walked away. “He’s on the road in the bull riding circuit.”
    Toward the end of the evening, when Megan’s feet were sore, Ryan took her hand and they walked outside. The night was cool and beautiful.
    “I’m not ready for the night to end,” he said as his gaze met hers. “What do you say we go for a little drive?”
    “All right.” She wasn’t ready for the night to end, either.
    After they went to his truck and he helped her climb in, they headed out. He drove up Senator Highway north out of Prescott until they came to a lookout where they could see the city spread out before them, lights twinkling in the night.
    Ryan backed the truck up and they got out and sat on the tailgate, close to each other. It was peaceful and quiet. Magical.
    He settled his arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on his muscular arm. “It’s beautiful here,” she said, her voice breaking the quiet of the night.
    “You’re beautiful, Meg,” he said.
    She tilted her face to look up at him. He raised his hand and touched the side of her face. “I want to kiss you again,” he said softly.
    “I want that, too.” Her voice came out in a whisper.
    He lowered his head and then his mouth was firm against hers. He caught the end of her braid in his hand and she realized he had pulled off the clip and was unraveling the French braid as he kissed her.
    His kiss was powerful but sensual as he slipped his fingers into her dark silky hair and he cupped the back of her head.
    She slid her hands up his chest to his neck and held on as he kissed her until her mind spun. She couldn’t think straight as he tasted her and made her hungry for him in ways she’d never thought possible.
    When he drew away, she met his gaze and saw his eyes glittering in the darkness. He ran his thumb along her lower lip. “Even though I don’t want this night to end,” he said. “I’d better get you back to your car at the restaurant before we end up staying here a whole lot longer.”

Chapter 8
    Sunday morning, Megan studied her laptop screen as she worked to update a client’s website. Even though Sunday was a day she usually took off, she had to get the updates done and then immediately start working on a new client’s website.
    Her mind kept wandering to Ryan and the fantastic time they’d had at the dance Friday night and later when they were looking over the city. She normally could do website updates blindfolded, but today her lack of concentration was going to get her in trouble.
    Images of his sexy grin made her smile. He was so dang good looking. As far as she was concerned, he wasn’t just eye candy or eye broccoli. He could easily be a complete meal topped with dessert.
    When she messed up the updates for the third time, she groaned and put her head on her arms on the desk. She needed to get her act together and she needed to do it now. It was stupid to feel like a lovesick teenager at her age.
    She raised her head and leaned back in her chair in front of the desk in her parents’ guestroom. If she didn’t have such a tight deadline for the updates as well as the website she’d promised to have up and running this week, she’d go out and start looking for a house now. She pushed hair out of her face. Maybe since she couldn’t get her act together she’d go look anyway, then put in time ’til late tonight.
    With a sigh, she stared out the window and watched sunlight winking through leaves of the tree that shaded that side of the house. She hadn’t heard from Ryan

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