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Book: BoysLikeYou.indd by Juliana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliana Stone
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    Nate offered me his hand, and before I could stop myself, I
    took it. His warmth seeped into my cold fingers and his thumb
    pressed against the inside of my wrist.
    My breath caught as I stared down at his hands.
    His fingers were long and tapered, and I noticed a cool leather
    bracelet around his wrist. It looked old and weathered, as if he’d worn it for a long time. It meant something to him. Was it a gift from his girlfriend?
    His thumb moved once more, his pad a little rough against
    my skin. The world tipped a little off center, and for one crazy
    second, time seemed to stop.
    “Let’s go,” he said roughly, his thumb circling around until
    eventually he let go and turned toward the fire. “We won’t stay
    late. Only until…”
    “Until what?” I asked, taking the few steps needed until I was
    beside him.
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    Nate glanced down at me, his expression unreadable, but I
    saw the way his pulse pounded at the base of his neck. I saw it
    and felt it.
    “Maybe, for a little while, we can both forget.”
    That was good enough for me.
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Chapter Ten
    I didn’t know if bringing Monroe out here was a good idea—
    heck, I didn’t know if me being here was a good idea— but it sure felt right.
    Though I suppose if my parents or uncle or even Mrs.
    Blackwell knew that I’d brought Monroe to a bush party, they
    wouldn’t exactly be thrilled. But the party was low key and none
    of the hardcore guys were out yet. It was way too early. They
    didn’t usually hit a party until after midnight, and I planned to be long gone by then.
    I just wanted to…shit, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.
    I only knew that I didn’t want to be alone and I didn’t know
    where else to go.
    “Come on,” I said again, and this time when I grabbed her
    hand, I didn’t let go.
    We started forward, and I nodded at a few guys tapping the
    keg over by an old tree stump. They shoved their red cups in the
    air and started to chug. There were a few more guys from the
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    football team gathered around, and though they seemed happy
    to see me, none of them came over. I was used to that these days.
    No one seemed to know what to say.
    Though I caught a few looks that landed on Monroe and
    didn’t leave. Bill Ferris gave a long, low wolf whistle which
    Monroe ignored.
    We reached the fire, and Monroe tugged her hand from
    mine. It was the right call. I mean, already a couple of girls who ran in Rachel’s crowd were staring her down, but still, it felt
    good holding her hand.
    She felt good. Steady. Real.
    And that was pretty screwed up, considering I didn’t think she
    liked me all that much, and technically, I still had a girlfriend.
    I decided not to think about it too much. I decided that
    tonight I was gonna push all the crap out of my head and maybe
    have a good time. Or at least try to.
    I’d been closed off from everyone for so long that it felt weird
    to see some of the old crowd hanging out near the fire, including Brent, the bassist in my band.
    I thought he’d gone up to the cottage with Link and Rachel
    and the others, so it was a surprise to see him here.
    He was shirtless, with his beige cargos hung so low I hoped
    he’d at least taken the time to pull on a pair of boxers. You see, Brent had a trigger. An old Def Leppard song, “Foolin’,” that
    was his dad’s favorite song, and whenever he heard it, if he was
    drunk enough, off came his clothes.
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    The girls didn’t seem to mind too much, and us guys just
    thought he was crazy as shit. Brent was also one hell of a wide
    receiver and, as quarterback, my go- to when we played. He had
    nimble fingers for catching my passes and made the bass sound
    melodic in a way that not many players could.
    His face made me thinks of things I

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