Boxed Set: Innocent Immigrant
of me roughly, but being the man of confidence that he was, he did nothing to hide himself or his wet shrinking cock from her eyes. I, on the other hand, rolled in a deft move that wrapped the bedcover around my nakedness.
    As Griff approached her, she backed from the room.
    “Debauched sinners.” She spat the words out just as Griff took her arm.
    “Settle, Katie—”
    “No. Get me away from here.” She appeared stricken with horror, her gaze flying about the room as if expecting the devil himself to materialise.
    “Katie,” Griff said again, “you will come in here and sit so that we can explain this act of coupling you’ve just witnessed, for it is not a sin, and it is not debauched. It is simply an act of physical love, made in private between two people who care very much about each other.”
    I don’t know how many times Griff had settled me with those very same words. I tried to quiet my thumping heart so that I could be a presence in the room that helped Katie feel safe. I sat up, letting the covers slip to my waist. I was still more decent than Griff’s state of complete nakedness.
    “In here, come on.” Griff led her to a chair and sat her down. Finally, he found a nightshirt to put on, handing another from his bureau to me.
    Poor Katie was mortified.
    Griff sat on the floor beside her and took her hand. It was a position we had both adopted at the feet of a woman at various times. It took away the overbearing size of a man that could overwhelm a young lady. Keeping low, making yourself small, was also a position one instinctively took when calming a frightened or wild animal. But seeing Griff like this, dropping his commanding demeanour, was something that always made my heart jump with love.
    “Do you know, Katie,” he started gently, “that it is because of you we committed this act of love tonight?”
    She tried to pull her hand away. “Oh, so now I am to blame for your depraved behaviour.”
    Griff threw his head back and laughed, drawing a puzzled, angry look from Katie.
    “What he means is that we were so filled with lust from your beautiful display after your spanking that we sought relief from each other rather than coming to you, which is what we both desired most. Griff and I care about each other in a way many men don’t. We experience as much joy in our mutual sexual release as we do with a woman. Soon, Katie, you will be the one in this group who will be the recipient of our lust and love, but that won’t happen until we’re married.”
    I stood and rearranged the cover on the bed, trying to ignore the wet patch where I’d ejaculated. I went to the other side of the bed and turned back the covers. “Come in here, love. We’ll all sleep together tonight. I promise you’ll be secure, and we can hold you and let you feel how much we care about you.”
    She chewed her lip but looked as though she only needed a gentle nudge of encouragement to get her to agree.
    Griff stood, keeping hold of her hand. He gave it a small tug. “Come on, you’ll be safe with us, sweetheart.”
    “But we’re not married.”
    “And we’ll not touch you. We’ll just keep you between us so that we can all get some sleep.”
    In truth, it was a terrible idea. Despite having just experienced sexual release, I feared I’d be hard again in minutes knowing Katie was alongside me. When I looked at Griff, he raised his eyes to the ceiling as if to say he’d just had the same thought.

    I was surprised that I managed any sleep after witnessing such a shocking scene. During religious studies at the Girls’ Home, I had learned that the sexual act was designed for procreation and that anything outside of that was a sin. Men with men—sodomy—was an act of the devil. Yet it struck me that I too was a sinner when I had continued to watch the men instead of turning from the door and allowing them their privacy.
    I had been asleep, startled awake by what I thought was a groan. My

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