Bounty: Fury Riders MC

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Book: Bounty: Fury Riders MC by Zoey Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoey Parker
really do it right.
    I imagined doing it with Erica. How would she sound? What would she taste like? What would it feel like when I slid inside her?
    When I thought about her that way, and then thought about somebody else hurting her, it made me mad enough to kill. She was mine.
    No, she’s not , I told myself. She’s not mine. She’ll never be mine. And that’s the way it should be.
    But it wasn’t how I wanted it to be.
    Brett came in with a tray of beers. “Thought you boys might get thirsty,” she said with a smile. From the sounds all around me, it was appreciated.
    “How is she?” I murmured when she passed by.
    “Well enough,” she said. “Having a good time. Drinking a little. Hanging out with Onyx and me.”
    Oh, shit. Onyx. I got up from my seat and went straight to the bar.
    I hadn’t prepared her for him, or him for her. What would they think about each other? Sure enough, as soon as he saw me, Onyx’s eyes narrowed.
    “Hey, man,” I said, clapping him on the back like it was nothing.
    “Hey,” he said, very quiet. He was a pretty tame, calm guy for the most part, but this was too much even for him.
    “I guess you two have met?” I asked, looking at the both of them.
    Onyx nodded.
    Erica looked scared shitless. Most people reacted that way when they first met my VP and best friend. His scars did that.
    “I’m gonna go deal myself in on the next hand,” he said. He got up from his stool and walked to the room where the game was goin on.
    “You’ll do great,” I said. “Everybody’s bombed.”
    He nodded, waving a hand over his shoulder to signal he heard me.
    I turned to Erica. “I don’t think I handled that very well,” she whispered. Her eyes filled with tears.
    “Why are you crying? He’s not a bad guy,” I said.
    “No, but he surprised me. What happened to him?”
    I sighed and sat down next to her. “He was in a fire when he was a kid. Part of his face had burns on it—that’s where the scars come from.” Half of Onyx’s face, from above the left ear to below his chin, was scarred. He shaved his head since hair didn’t grow over the scars anyway. “I’m sorry it freaked you out.”
    “I was just startled, and I’m afraid I made him feel bad. It took a minute for me to get used to it.”
    “It happens,” I said. “He’s used to it. He knows. But you didn’t mean to do anything to make him feel bad. Once you get used to seeing him around, you won’t even notice anymore.”
    She nodded, not saying what I knew she had to be thinking. She wouldn’t be around long enough to get used to him. I hoped for her sake that she wasn’t. For mine, too. It was exhausting, trying to keep an eye on her.
    But when I thought about how she started to cry when she thought she hurt Onyx’s feelings, I couldn’t be too annoyed with her. She was a good person, with a good heart. Plus, she was a little drunk, so she was feeling more sensitive than usual.
    “I heard you’re having fun out here.” I nodded at the camera. “I guess that’s forgotten for now.”
    “I couldn’t do shit with it,” she said, slurring a little. I tried not to laugh, but a little came out. She was cute when she got drunk. “I didn’t mean to drink so much, but it seemed like a good idea. I want another one.”
    “Sure, when Brett comes back,” I said. “Maybe you should be drinking some water, too.” She was so small, I couldn’t imagine her being able to handle much more. I got the feeling she didn’t do much drinking in the first place.
    “You’re right, you’re right.” She slapped a hand down on my shoulder. “But it’s easy to get them mixed up, ’cuz they’re both clear.”
    I laughed, getting up. “All right. I’ll pour you a tall water so you can tell them apart.” I went behind the bar and pulled down a pint glass, filling it to the top. I felt her

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