neck. “That’s what he said.”
“You probably shouldn’t share this with Grams. She’s already considering kicking your ass to the curb. Knowing the devil is hanging around you will just speed up the process.”
Tears form in my eyes at the thought of my safety net being pulled away. Where else would I go? “She wants me to leave?”
“It’s not her house, Skye,” Zane says, confirming that his grandmother does want to kick me out on my ass.
It may not be her house, but there are ways she could force me to leave. She could hand me over to the authorities who believe I’m a serial killer because the djinn were killing humans and carving my name in them. She could shoot me. She could force Zane and Brielle to choose between her and me . I would lose if she did.
Looking at Brielle, not Zane, I ask, “ Can you get the money in my bank account out without the police being able to trace it?” My parents left me a sizable estate when they died and I’ve been using it to finance medical school. At least, I was.
Brielle’s eyes travel back and forth between her brother and me and then come to rest on Zane. “Um, yeah, that’s possible but I’m not going to do it.”
I already know the answer but I ask anyway. “Why not?”
“I like all of my limbs attached to my body.” Brielle sighs. “Look, Skye, I know I’m an ass sometimes and I haven’t signed up to be your best friend, but I’m not saying no just to be a bitch. I won’t do anything to hurt my brother. If he wants you to stay, then you stay.”
Fury burns its way up my throat. “ Am I a prisoner again?”
Brielle’s mouth opens in an exaggerated, loud yawn. “Wow, I’m beat. See you guys in the morning.” Ducking back into her room, she closes the door and throws the lock.
“You are not a prisoner,” Zane says. “If you really want to leave, Brielle will get your money for you.” The hurt in his voice is heart wrenching.
I lean back against the wall again, miserable down to my bones for hurting him yet again. He doesn’t want me to leave regardless of what his grandmother wants. “Is there something else I can say or do to totally fuck up our relationship? I seem to be on a roll.”
Putting a hand behind my neck he leans down and kisses me. He’s the one who hisses in pain this time. His lips are cracked and bruised from his fight with Roman. “Yes, you can continue to deny you need stitches.”
“Roman’s going to be pissed if you wake him again.”
Zane snorts. “He would walk through a pile of blazing cockroaches for the chance to fix you up. He’s not going to be mad about the loss of a few minutes of sleep.”
Unfortunately, he’s right. “Do you really believe me about the devil?”
Half of his mouth quirks up into a smile. “Yes, I do.”
I turn to hobble back to our bedroom. Zane grabs my arm to help me but I shake my head. “I’m the dumbass who walked out here. I can walk myself back so you can get Roman.”
After a moment, he nods and I start back towards our bedroom. I stop and slowly glance back when he says my name. “Skye, don’t tell me you love me again unless you are positive it’s true.”
I bite my lips to keep from assuring him that I really do love him. He doesn’t want to hear it right now. I nod my head and continue walking towards the bedroom we share for the time being. How long it will be before he agrees with his grandmother? I’m too dangerous to be around no matter how much he loves me.
It takes me several minutes, but I make it back and sit on the bed. Roman is hesitant when he comes back into the room. “Are you sure you want to be treated now?”
I try to sound as pleasant as possible. “Yes, and it would be great if you could splint my wrist.”
Reading my mind, Zane has collected the items Roman needs for both stitching and splinting. It takes about twenty minutes for Roman
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