Bound In Blue: Book One Of The Sword Of Elements

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Book: Bound In Blue: Book One Of The Sword Of Elements by Heather Hamilton-Senter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Hamilton-Senter
were always difficult to find. I’d track you down and then something would catch my attention and you’d be gone. You being able to hear the harp was another red flag. Miko had the idea of putting you in a stress situation to see what would happen and I agreed.”
    “And what’s the harm of a few wagers on the side, right Meek ?” I glared at the girl, but she was inspecting the polish on her nails and looking bored.
    Daley made an impatient gesture. “If you want to be angry with someone, be angry with me.”
    “So what was the bet then, Day ?”
    A muscle jumped in Daley’s cheek and his eyes narrowed. I was right—he didn’t like the nickname. “Miko’s bet was that within three minutes of facing a threat, she could confirm exactly what you were.”
    “What are we then?”
    Miko answered with three black-tipped fingers raised as she ticked the points off. “A Protector, a Mongrel and an Anomaly.” She smiled sweetly at Lacey. “You’re the Mongrel, in case you were wondering.” Lacey’s mouth opened but no sound came out.
    Miko pointed at Peter. “Protector. You’ve inherited the ability from a relative or an ancestor. We can check with Taliesin and see if we can find out who it was, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Protector magic is one of the few abilities not diluted by breeding and you can never predict which generation it’ll pop up in.”
    The finger turned to Lacey. “Mongrel. One of your ancestors mated with a lorelei or something. The hint of those abilities is what makes you more popular than you deserve. In ancient times, you might have had enough natural talent to become a witch, but now you’ll probably become a weather girl on regional TV. National, if you’re lucky.” Cruel, but basically what I would have predicted for Lacey too.
    The finger moved to me. “Anomaly. Do you even realize that sometimes you’re almost invisible? That’s a witches’ trick, but I’m mostly immune to those. That day in the bathroom, I saw you fade before my eyes and then come back, though not as strong as before. It was like you were still out of focus.”
    Tynan pushed the hair out of his eyes. “We asked around and no one could remember what you looked like or if you were in any of their classes. Except Lacey. She definitely . . . knew you,” he finished diplomatically. Lacey fidgeted beside me but remained silent. “She seems to be unaffected by whatever it is you do.”
    Miko thumped the table with a tiny fist. “The point is, I can smell the spells a witch casts from a mile away and I couldn’t detect siren or lorelei on you either.” She smirked at Lacey. “They both have a distinctly fishy scent, paranormally speaking.” She pointed at me again. “You couldn’t really be the Viviane Lynne’s daughter—that was ridiculous—but you’re not like any other Greylander we’ve encountered. Daley refused to even consider you might be an earth magician. . .”
    “That’s not true.”
    “. . . but he was right, you’re not. There isn’t an earth magician on record who could do what you did to the Cŵn Annwn. We just wanted to see how you would react and then Ty would have sent the hound back. Somehow you pulled the Cŵn Annwn’s power out and left something different behind. So, Anomaly!” she said as if that was proof of everything.
    A faint vibration passed through the table and I glanced outside the window to see if a storm was coming. The sky was clear. When I looked back, Daley had placed his hands flat on the table and was staring at me with a frown. I had the strange impression that the vibration was coming from him. “The three of you could use some time to process this. Peter can take you home. I’ll call for someone to pick us up. Come to the house at noon tomorrow and our father will explain everything.” It was a command, not an invitation “Go on. I’ll take care of the bill.” We were dismissed. Peter slid out of the booth and Lacey and I followed him.

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