Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine

Read Online Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine by Nicole Rae - Free Book Online

Book: Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine by Nicole Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Rae
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door, a nasty B.O. smell overwhelmed her senses. Instantly, her
nose wrinkled at the disgusting stench. The owner of the smell
needed to be washed down with a fire hose, immediately. The
reek of the bus permeated location and almost made her turn
around. It almost would have been worth the extended trip to
avoid being near that smell. The prospect of being out after dark
was the only thing that kept her from bolting. She turned her
head away and sucked in a deep, cleansing breath before being
submerged in the nasty odor.
    There were no seats near the safety of the front. So, she had
to make her way through the thin, overcrowded aisle. She tried
hard not to step on anyone, but it was like an obstacle course
with all the bags everywhere. Hardly anyone moved out of her
way, as she passed. Every timeshe touched someone’s ankle,
she half expected a buzzer to go off like in the board game,
    Movement caught her eye in the back. She looked up to see
a skanky looking girl slide into her assumed boyfriends lap.
They were really going at it, looking like they were going to
swallow each other's tongues. Okay gross, that is just not okay.
    Emily wondered why the driver allowed the kissing fest to
go on. Then it occurred to her, he was a middle aged sweaty guy,
who was probably enjoying the free show. How disgusting,
where was that girl’s self-respect? Didn’t she know, how
completely wrong it was to give free peep shows on a public
    Forcing her eyes to avert from the couple, Emily glanced
around, hoping to find a seat by some of the halfway normal
people. Finally, three rows from the back she spotted one.
Luckily, the seat next to it was empty too. Emily hurried to it,
tossed her backpack down and sat quickly. The bus revved its
engine before it headed to the next stop.
    The majority of the riders were relatively quiet. A teenage
boy sat nearby, completely enthralled in the couples exploits.
Emily sighed and rolled her eyes. Well,isn’t that just sweet,
nothing like the city bus giving children sex education?
Watching the kid drool, made Emily want to go and smack the
couple until they stopped.
    The bus came to a halt at
the next stop and Emily’s body
jerked forward. She planted her feet firmly on the slick floor to
steady herself. The elderly woman in front of her groaned and
clutched her tan colored granny bag closer to her body. After the
doors opened to one of the residential parts of town, a few
people got off.
    The people that entered the bus next were interesting, to say
the least. Most were dressed in tattered clothes that looked like
they had been passed around way to many garage sales. The two
women, occupying the seats across from Emily, reminded her of
TV commercials for a bingo parlor. One was wearing faded,
black sweat pants with an oversized man’s T-shirt, displaying the
phrase “Get’er dun” across the chest. Emily could tell the
woman wasn’t wearing a bra and desperately needed one. The
other was more conventional, wearing an old pair of jeans and
fitted red top with too much make up. Her red lips matched the
color of her shirt, vaguely reminding Emily of a circus clown.
    The "gentleman" in front of them was obviously a
mechanic. His hands, hair and clothes were covered in grease.
His hair looked, as though it had been covered by a hat most of
the day. He had nice eyes though and his skin was a creamy,
mocha tone. He was kind of cute in a rough sort of way.
    Emily wasn’t trying to act all high and mighty or anything.
There was nothing wrong with jeans and a T-shirt. She had many
in her own closet. Either way, there was still a right and wrong
way of doing things. Certain clothes didn't look right, no matter
what a person looks like. Emily had nothing against them and
they were probably nice people. She even recognized many of
them, as patrons of Blake’s Books. She peered around the rest of
the bus, feeling guilty for her judgments and her

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