Bound By His Desire

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Book: Bound By His Desire by Nicole Flockton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
most of the experience of working with Nick. She was pretty sure that after today, Nick would put her on the first flight back and her opportunity to prove herself would be gone.
    Nick drummed his fingers of one hand on the table while he lifted his glass of water to his lips with the other. He was hoping the cold water would temper the heat and longing coursing through him. He’d been in this state of arousal since he’d looked up from his phone and seen Pam standing in front of him in a dress, looking like a million dollars.
    He was angry with his body for reacting in the most primal of ways and he was angry with Pam for changing her appearance. Was she trying to tempt him like his other assistants? Had her thoughts about him changed upon seeing his apartment? Was she now looking at him as if he were only made of money? Would anyone ever see past the dollar signs to the real man? Did he even want that?
    No, he didn’t. He was perfectly happy with his life the way it was. He travelled the world. Had affairs with beautiful women whenever he wanted, and he had fabulous homes in many cities. His life was full and he didn’t need anyone to complete it. He especially didn’t need another assistant who was trying to dress to impress. He was immune to that type of behaviour now. He wouldn’t let her get under his skin.
    He observed Pam moving around the room with the quiet efficiency she had displayed at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. This was the reason he had listened to Luc and hired her. At least she was doing that part of her job. She stopped and chatted briefly to a couple of the older gentlemen, laying a hand on one man’s arm. Her action surprised and increased his anger. Was she now trying to see if she could hook her teeth into an older man? Had he been completely wrong about her? Had Luc and Jasmine been fooled by her as well?
    Nick stopped those thoughts immediately. He was starting to let the paranoia of what happened between his father and his father’s assistant cloud his thought processes. Pam was only doing her job. Easing the clients’ concerns, as he’d asked her to do when they’d travelled to the meeting.
    He went to stand when he saw another, younger man approach her. Nick could see the look of admiration and desire in his eyes. Ethan Webster. Ethan was the leading lawyer for the company they were negotiating to purchase, and he was a player. Not to mention a cutthroat lawyer looking for a weakness, and Ethan had found the weakness in his former assistant, flirting with her and enticing information out of her. Nick had been considering getting rid of her because of her forward action towards him, but giving the enemy information just because Nick wouldn’t fall for her seductions had been the last straw. Her actions had come close to destroying the deal, and now Nick was working furiously to get the deal back in their favour.
    Somehow, Nick knew Ethan’s attention to Pam was completely different. Ethan wasn’t treating Pam in the same way he had his previous assistant. He wasn’t going to flirt with Pam to use her. Ethan wasn’t stupid enough to try the same trick again. Nick had a pretty good feeling this time Ethan’s motives were purely desire-based and for his own personal gain, not for the betterment of the deal.
    Nick gripped his glass a little tighter as he watched Ethan slip an arm around Pam’s waist. It was a forward move and he allowed himself a small smile when Pam discreetly moved a step so Ethan wasn’t touching her so intimately.
    He couldn’t hear what the other man said, but the blush and laughter coming from Pam told him Ethan hadn’t asked about the weather.
    Nick pushed back his chair, allowing instinct and emotion to take over him when Pam relaxed and leaned slightly towards Ethan. He had studied body language to give him the upper hand in his negotiating skills. Now his knowledge was coming into play. Pam was getting interested and he wasn’t going to allow it.

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