ask was if Owen had ever hurt anyone,
like, really hurt them, because as much as the idea of being spanked was
turning him on, he wasn't too crazy about the thought of having broken bones
or needing stitches.
Although a few weeks ago he'd probably have laughed if someone had
suggested he'd like to be spanked, so who knew how he'd feel in a few more?
“I always knew this was what worked for me,” Owen said, “and when I got
old enough, I went looking for it. I honestly couldn't tell you an exact number of
casual partners, but people like you…” His eyes got distant for a moment. “Six.
One long-term, the rest for a few months or so, none longer than a year. I'm a
little hard to please, and I get bored easily.” Owen's eyes sharpened, and
Sterling tensed up again. “Now ask me something that you really want to know,
please, because evasions fall into the category of things that both bore and
annoy me.”
Sterling's instincts insisted that he tell Owen off, make it clear that he
didn't care whether Owen was bored or annoyed or both.
But it would have been a lie, and he didn't want to lie to Owen, so instead
he forged ahead and asked his question even though he wasn't sure what kind
of response he might receive. “Will you hurt me?”
“Is that a request or something you're worried about?” Owen asked, a
frown appearing that was at least a familiar expression. “Nothing will happen to
you that you haven't agreed to beforehand, and during a scene you can make it
all stop with a single word. You should already know that.” His eyes narrowed.
“Do you think that I won't do this unless you agree to everything I say, no
matter how extreme? Sterling, it just doesn't work like that.” Owen sighed. “I'd
be insulted if you weren't so damn naïve.” He leaned forward, his hands loosely
clasped on his knees. “Pain is incredibly useful as a shortcut and, yes, under
certain circumstances it's an effective punishment. If you think that because
getting spanked arouses you, I can't use it to punish you, you'll soon discover
how wrong you are. If you think that I'll leave you bleeding and scarred—”
Owen's face twisted in a grimace. “No. That goes well beyond my limits, and
they're not likely to move much after all this time.”
The air left Sterling's lungs in a rush. “Oh. Good. I mean—I wasn't trying
to insult you.”
He sounded more eager than he could remember hearing himself, so
fucking earnest and young , which was exactly the thing Owen didn't like about
him and therefore something he needed to stop himself from expressing.
“There's a lot of stuff online,” he explained, since Owen seemed willing to
listen and probably wouldn't hesitate to tell him to shut up if that changed.
“It's hard to know how much of it's an expression of reality, and how much was
Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow
written by somebody trying to sound cool. Or whatever. I just want to make
sure I know what I'm getting myself into.” He sighed and looked down at his
hands, wishing they were sitting next to each other and that Owen would touch
him again. “And I can't promise I won't be uncooperative as hell sometimes.
This is all new.”
“I know it is,” Owen said matter-of-factly. “And that's why we're talking,
and why you're still fully dressed and sitting over there instead of naked and
kneeling where I can touch you.”
“ God .” The word slipped out before Sterling could stop it, set free in the
powerful surge of desire that swept through him. He didn't try to stop the next
words. “I want that. So much. Could—please. Do you think—could we…?” He
couldn't ask, too afraid that the answer was going to be no.
“You have no idea how different you look now,” Owen said, and Sterling
didn't think that he was imagining the connection he could feel between them,
with his own desire mirrored in Owen's eyes. “Open, needy, everything right
there for me to see. You're
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