Born of Legend

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Book: Born of Legend by Sherrilyn Kenyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
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All lower-ranking Tavali who saluted her as she entered.
    Ushara returned the gesture. “Where’s the DCP?” Chief pits were the officers in charge of the hangars, and the independent maintenance crews who worked in them, and each shift had a designated CP who took responsibility while on duty.
    A human female gestured toward the break room. “Gunnar’s in back, taking his lunch.”
    Relieved it was the CP she liked best, Ushara headed there with Jullien and Vas in tow.
    Large and friendly, Gunnar had gray hair and the build of a mountain. He was eating a sandwich and flipping through his reports as she entered. “Hey, Lady VA, glad you made it back with your evil spawn.” Cocking his head, he eyed Jullien suspiciously. “Where’d you dig that up?”
    â€œHe saved Vasili. Appears he’s really good in a fight and knows his way around ships and systems. So I offered him work in appreciation of services rendered.”
    Gunnar took a slow drink as he passed a less than flattering glower over Jullien’s body. “You got a name, Andarion?”
    â€œDagger Ixur.”
    She was impressed with how fast and easy that alias rolled off Jullien’s tongue. He must have been using it for a while. And again with the sarcasm given that the Dagger Ixur was also the name of an Andarion boogeyman said to have been caused by an Andarion goddess when her son broke her heart with his treachery against her.
    Jullien truly possessed a morbid sense of humor and irony.
    Gunnar wiped his mouth. “Experience?”
    He rolled his eyes. “Recent?”
    With an irritated expression, Gunnar let out a long suffering sigh. “You need to understand, boy, we got a rough crowd that comes through here. You screw up and they’re likely to mount your head on the wall.”
    â€œI can handle it. And I won’t screw up. If I do, I’m told my right side is the better profile … just for future mounting reference.”
    The CP passed her a droll stare, but didn’t comment. “See that you don’t fuck up. You ever worked on freighters?”
    â€œFighters mostly. Some EVs and AUs. An engine’s an engine. If I can’t figure it out, I can always do some research. They tell me that these little doodad symbol things represent letters that when you put them together, they make cohesive words and form complex sentences. Those sentences form comprehensible paragraphs that can then explain how those ships and engines work, and miraculously tell you all kinds of things you don’t know. And that each one of those large, flying objects around us have these incredible items you can access called service manuals that will actually tell you how they operate, and how to repair them when they don’t. It’s all dark, soul-sucking magic, really.”
    Gunnar laughed. “Well hell, that makes you smarter than about half my crew. Welcome aboard. But stow that attitude, as it’s likely to cause me to throw something heavy at your head. Report in tomorrow morning. I’ll stick you on first rotation.”
    â€œThanks, Gunnar.”
    He winked at Ushara. “For you, Admiral, anything.”
    She inclined her head to him. “Do you have any housing he can use in the meantime?”
    He sucked his breath in sharply. “We got in a bunch of Stitches and Rogues not long after you left. They took up most of the available housing. All’s I got left is slag quarters.”
    She cringed at the thought. Slag quarters were only slightly better than a jail cell.
    â€œAs long as it’s a dry bed with nothing crawling in it, I can make do,” Jullien said.
    Gunnar got up and went to his main office where he kept the key cards. He came back a few minutes later and handed one to Jullien.
    When he called for one of his assistants, Ushara stopped the girl.
    â€œIf she can take Vasili home, I’ll

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