Books of the Dead

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Book: Books of the Dead by Morris Fenris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morris Fenris
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soon, but it can be seen in all her beauty and fierceness.”
    “It is a female spirit?” Merly didn’t know about this although she was aware of the ghost rumors in the library. “And who do they say the ghost is? Or is it related to somebody?” she asked.
    Mrs. Lois didn’t answer her back, but kept quiet. After several moments had passed, she answered, “I have heard, it is a female ghost, but I don’t know the answer to your second question,” and stopped abruptly.
    Merly knew there was nothing more Mrs. Lois was going to tell her as she saw her looking at her watch frequently. She thanked the assistant dean, then turned away and was about to leave when she was called back.
    Mrs. Lois looked at her and in a not-so-friendly tone said, “You belong to this university, and so whatever you write be careful. I don’t want the reputation of the institution to plummet”.
    Merly nodded and thanked Mrs. Lois several more times, then she left. This was not the information Merly required and she wasn’t sure how this story would help her. Ghost stories were lurking all around and Merly was never bothered by them, so this information didn’t shake her. However, what concerned her was that there was something that was connected to the library. Not the ghost, any spirit or Mr. Stevenson, but something that made a connection as all the information she gathered led to the library. So it was in the middle to which the facts revolved and Merly was sure of it. She had to find the connection and there were others she needed to ask, and she headed to question the ones who took interest in these things.
    Natalie was known to be a gossip monger. She was a junior to Merly and kept all sort of news that went around in the university. It was a known fact within the campus that nothing was ever hidden from her. Merly thought that she may hold some information that would surely help her. Natalie wasn’t her friend and Merly didn’t know where to find her. She asked Sarah and Nicholas if they had any idea of where to find her, they didn’t, but Mira directed her to the second floor balcony where she said she saw Natalie on her way up.
    Merly raced down, hoping she would still be there, and she was, standing at the edge of the balcony and talking on the phone. Merly called her from behind, but she didn’t respond and went on talking on the phone, so she called Natalie again, and this time she got her attention.
    Natalie turned back and had a look of annoyance on her face as if she didn’t wanted to be bothered. “Yes? Do I know you?” she asked.
    Merly was unfazed by the initial harsh attitude that Natalie showed. “Can I talk to you?” she asked.
    “You are already doing it” Natalie said in a mocking tone.
    “I wanted to ask you something, and it is because you keep account of things that go on in the campus.” Merly said in a tone as not to offend Natalie.
    Natalie didn’t look impressed, but decided to reply to Merly anyway. “What do you want to know?” she asked.
    “Nothing much, but do you know any teacher who is associated with the fourth floor library?” she asked.
    “Any teacher?” Natalie quoted back. “I know a ghost lives there.” she casually said.
    “I know …. heard that, but that is not what I want to know,” Merly said.
    “So, what do you want to know?” Natalie asked again.
    “I want to know if there is anyone in the university, teacher, student, staff or anyone who has a secret associated with the library.” Merly tried to frame her statement differently without giving away the fact that she wanted to know something about Mr. Summers.
    “That is a strange way of putting it,” Natalie said, but didn’t answer the question she was asked.
    “Do you know anything?” Merly asked this time losing a bit of her patience.
    “You are asking me if one of the teachers from this university has got anything to do with the fourth floor library,” she said.
    “Yes, I am exactly asking you that,”

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