Blue Plague: War (Blue Plague Book 6)

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Book: Blue Plague: War (Blue Plague Book 6) by Thomas A Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas A Watson
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in the machine; you’re the operator.”
    The President stood and walked over, patting Gene on the shoulder, and the two officers followed, standing behind him, watching Gene. “That is why I like you, Colonel. You see the world how it really is, but I have to correct you. You are ‘the cog’ of the machine. Without you, the machine doesn’t run.” The President told him pulling up a chair and sat beside Gene.
    Fighting the urge to hit the man, Gene replied, “Thank you, sir.”
    “No thanks; it’s the truth,” the President said. “That is why I want you under protection,” he added.
    “Sir, I can’t take any of your protection for that,” Gene replied.
    “Thank you, Colonel, but I was thinking some of your own troops. They love you and fight for you. I believe with my order, they will die for you,” the President said.
    Actual shock hit Gene’s face as if someone threw cold water on him. This idiot thinks people will die for him because he tells them to , Gene thought. “Sir, thank you. I will grab a couple of troops to watch over me,” Gene finally got out.
    “No, Colonel, you will assign a platoon to watch over you,” the President replied.
    “Mr. President, the general only has two MPs to protect him at any given time,” Gene said.
    “He’s not the cog I want protected, and Colonel, you will tell these troops they are to follow your orders only. The only exception is if they hear it come out of my mouth, looking me in the face,” the President said.
    Gene looked at the President for several minutes, and when the President was fixing to ask if he understood, Gene spoke. “I understand, sir, crystal clear,” Gene said, making the President smile. “What is the general being told?” he asked.
    “That there are rogue agents in Homeland that want you gone. Which is another reason I want you guarded by your own men.”
    “Sir, can I ask that some of my troops guard him as well since he did threaten Homeland?” Gene asked.
    The President smiled at him. “Would you like me to have him shot?” he asked.
    Jumping back from the casual tone the President used, Gene gasped at the request and was about to answer when he noticed the computer in the corner blinking at him. When he looked at the screen, “ Don’t ” blinked two times, and the screen went blank. Looking back at the President, Gene shook his head. “No sir. He is my superior officer.”
    “I knew you wouldn’t, but I had to make sure. I need people loyal to me not wanting to settle vendettas, but rest assured if the general tries anything, he will be dealt with. He still has his uses,” the President said.
    Yeah, like killing for you, Gene thought. “Yes sir, Mr. President,” he replied.
    “Go pick your men, Colonel, and tell the general whatever you want,” he said.
    “Yes sir. I will tell him you are worried about me because it was me who suggested the actions but want him protected because he ordered it.”
    “Very good, Colonel,” the President said, handing him and envelope. “This is to show your troops. It is my order that they only listen to you.”
    Gene took the envelope, stood, and saluted the President. “Thank you, sir,” he said.
    The President waved his salute away. “Colonel, just get us in that compound so we can take back America,” the President said.
    Gene wanted to tell him they could have done the same thing like build up an area but didn’t and smiled. “I will, sir,” Gene said, turning around and walking out. He stopped outside and let out a long breath as the phone in his pocket vibrated. Looking around, he saw a lot of people, so he headed toward the troop area. He didn’t want to pull out a cellphone and read a text when they weren’t supposed to work. The “it’s my iPod” would only work so many times.
    Walking into a porta-potty, he closed the door and took out the phone, reading.
    “If you would’ve said yes they were going to shoot you. The President wanted to make sure you

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