Blue Plague: War (Blue Plague Book 6)

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Book: Blue Plague: War (Blue Plague Book 6) by Thomas A Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas A Watson
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in Bama, sir,” the officer said.
    “Son, I haven’t been watching them for over a week. How much shit are they bringing back?” Gene asked.
    “They have a hundred trucks pulling in fully loaded every five hours with a hundred trucks pulling out. They have a rotation system going really good, sir. There is always one hundred trucks at the area they are loading, a hundred heading back to be unloaded, a hundred being unloaded, and a hundred en route to be loaded,” the officer said.
    “Damn, I wish I had their quarter master,” Givens said.
    Nodding, the officer said, “Yes sir, their S-4 is top notch and has a shit load of equipment.”
    “That means they are bringing in around eight thousand tons a day,” Gene said, making a few quick guesses out loud.
    “I think it’s a lot more than that, sir. They are overloading the trucks but spacing their convoys out so not to overload bridges. I would put it closer to fifteen thousand tons a day,” the officer replied.
    “How long did they spend at each post?”
    “Most bases they spend two days, three at the larger ones.”
    Gene shook his head. “Tell me how they are operating at the bases.”
    “They have close to seven hundred people stripping the place down and bring it back to one area, usually away from everything. Each group has guards even though they have not encountered many infected. When they get close to emptying the base, half leave, going to the next base and start gathering stuff up. They leave some armor, artillery, vehicles, and such, but most everything else leaves with them,” the officer said.
    Very impressed with Bruce’s group Gene looked at the officer. “They want a lot of shit, son,” he said, turning and walking out of the command center. Walking back in his room, he dressed and was thinking about going to talk to the troops when he heard a knock on his door. Gene shook his head. “Those boys of Bruce’s could almost be considered a menace,” he said, buttoning up his shirt.
    Opening the door, he found one of the President’s aides. “Can I help you?” Gene asked.
    “The President would like to see you, Colonel.”
    Acting surprised, Gene asked, “I was going to check on the troops. How about at lunch?”
    “Colonel, he said it was important,” the aide said and nodded his head out the door. Gene looked out in the hallway to see two Secret Service officers.
    “Okay,” Gene said, turning around and getting his satchel bag. Stepping out in the hallway, he closed his door and followed the aide down the hall with the officers behind him. Gene knew what it was about but was silently praying that Jake and Matt knew what they were doing.
    Walking outside, they crossed the compound to the President’s private area. The aide waved at the officers at the gate and the door, leading Gene in one of the main buildings. Gene saw the President sitting in a chair at a table with several other aides and Homeland officers. The President looked up and saw Gene walk in and looked around the table. “Gentlemen, would you excuse us? I need to talk to the Colonel,” the President said. They all left, leaving only the protection agents in the room.
    “Colonel, please have a seat,” the President said.
    Appearing calm Gene dropped down in the chair. “Thank you, sir.”
    “I take it you want to know why you’re here?” the President asked.
    “It crossed my mind, sir, and why the armed escort?” Gene replied.
    “Colonel, I have received information that your life is in danger,” the President said.
    “Sir, I’m a soldier. I’m always in danger,” Gene answered.
    The President laughed. “A true soldier, but I mean inside the camp,” the President said.
    Gene faked a good surprised look. “What?” he blurted.
    “I can’t tell you how, but I must express to you that I need to place you under guard.”
    Gene looked at the protection officers then back to the President. “Sir, you need your officers more than I do. I’m just a cog

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