Blue Moon Rising (Darkwood)

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Book: Blue Moon Rising (Darkwood) by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
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it to the dragon. “Give this to Julia. It’ll only slow me down when I’m running.”
    “Of course,” said the dragon.
    “A light!” yelled the unicorn. Rupert whirled to look. A crimson glare showed deep in the Darkwood.
    “That’s it!” cried the dragon, but Rupert was already off and running. He burst through the demons at the clearing’s edge and was gone before they could stop him. A trail formed before him in the darkness, seeming to glow and sparkle beneath his pounding feet. A demon leapt out of the dark to block his path, only to scream and fall back as light flared up from the trail to engulf it. Rupert shot a quick glance at the motionless body and ran on. Behind him he heard the first sounds of battle as the demon host fell on his companions. He forced himself to run faster. The Darkwood trees rushed past him. The path glowed bright against the dark. Breath burned in his lungs, ached in his chest, and a cold sweat ran down his sides as his arms pumped, but he was beyond pain, beyond fear, driven only by a desperate need to somehow save his friends. He didn’t know how long he’d been running, but the trail still shimmered ahead of him, and the beacon seemed to draw no nearer.
It’s not how fast you run
, a voice whispered inside him,
It’s how badly you need it.
Fatigue shivered through his aching legs, and he saw with horror that the path was slowly fading away. He drove himself even harder, crying aloud at the pain that stabbed through him, and then he tripped and fell headlong as the path guttered and went out.
    I’m sorry, Julia
, he thought despairingly as the dark washed over him.
I so wanted to be a hero for you.
    Light roared against the darkness. Rupert staggered to his feet as vivid hues cascaded down around him. His ears were full of the thunder of a mighty falls. Time seemed to slow and stop. Brilliant colors burned into Rupert’s eyes as he threw back his head and raised his hands to the glory of the Rainbow.
    And then the Rainbow was gone, and the night was darker than before.
    For a moment Rupert just stood there, entranced by the splendor of Rainbow’s End, and then slowly he lowered his head, and looked about him. Where the Rainbow had touched them, the gnarled and twisted trees were straight and true, and leaf-strewn branches framed a hole in the overhead canopy through which moonlight streamed, forming a pool of light around the Prince. And there before him on the ground lay a sword. Rupert stooped down and picked it up. It was an ordinary, everyday sword with sharp edges and a good balance. Rupert smiled bitterly as the darkness gathered around him. The treasure of Rainbow’s End … just another legend. From far off the sounds of fighting came to him, and Rupert turned to find the shimmering trail waiting to lead him back to his beleaguered friends. He hefted the sword once and then ran back through the Darkwood.
    He burst back into the clearing, and for a moment all he could see was a mass of leaping, clawing demonkind. The dragon surged back and forth, firelight glowing ruddy on his flailing wings and tail. Blood streamed from his terrible teeth. Julia crouched behind the dragon, sword in hand, moving always to keep the fire between her and the demons. Her robe was soaked in blood. There was no sign of the unicorn. As Rupert hesitated at the clearing’s edge, a demon ducked under the dragon’s guard, knocked the Princess to the ground and stooped over her. Rupert screamed and ran forward. A demon leapt toward him. He cut it in two and ran on without pausing. More demons came to block his way. His sword seemed weightless in his hand, and demon blood fell to the ground like a ghastly dew.
    He reached the demon’s side to find the Princess busily gutting the demon that had attacked her. She looked up as he joined her, and wiped at her face with a bloodied hand.
    “Took your time, didn’t you?”
    Rupert grinned, and they stood back-to-back, swords at the ready, as the

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