Blue Moon Rising (Darkwood)

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Book: Blue Moon Rising (Darkwood) by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
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bulging eye and kicked the twisting corpse aside. The unicorn moved quickly in to protect her, his hooves and horn already dripping gore. Rupert spun and danced, his sword tearing through flesh with murderous skill, but for every demon that fell another rose out of the dark to take its place. A growing ache burned in his arms and back, and every time he swung his sword it seemed a little heavier. Rupert didn’t give a damn. The bottled-up frustration of months on end found an outlet in his fury, and he grinned like a wolf as his sword rose and fell in steady butchery.
    And then it was over. The demons melted back into the safety of the darkness, leaving their dead behind them. Rupert stared about him as he slowly lowered his sword, his harsh breathing aching in his chest. Blood and death lay scattered across the clearing, and as his anger ebbed away, Rupert felt tired and cold and just a little sick. He’d been taught the use of a sword, as befitted his station, but his newfound joy in killing disturbed him. To take pleasure in slaughter was the demon’s way. The blood dripping from his blade suddenly disgusted him, and he sheathed his sword without bothering to clean it. He swallowed dryly, and looked round to check how his companions had fared in the battle. The dragon seemed pretty much unscathed, though his claws and teeth gleamed with a fresh crimson sheen. The unicorn’s white coat was dappled with blood, little of it his own. Julia was cleaning her dagger in a businesslike way, but her hands were shaking. Rupert shook his head slowly. Without rage to keep him moving, fatigue left him weak and trembling, but already he could hear faint rustlings and stirrings in the dark beyond the clearing. He turned to the dragon.
    “Use the damned spell,” he said gratingly. “Another rush like that, and they’ll roll right over us.”
    The dragon nodded. “It’s all down to you, Rupert. First you’ll see a light in the distance, like a beacon, and then the Wild Magic will show you a path. Follow it. That’s the Rainbow Run. What you’ll find depends on you.”
    Rupert stared out into the dark, and a voice deep inside him said,
I can’t.
It had been hard enough to go back into the Darkwood armed with light and friends, but to give them up and go off into the darkness on his own …
Haven’t I done enough? I can’t go back into the dark! I’m afraid!
    I’m afraid!
    “Set the spell,” said Rupert.
    “Get ready,” said the dragon. “I need a moment to prepare.”
    Rupert nodded stiffly and moved away to join the unicorn.
    “Look after the Princess for me, will you?”
    “With my life,” promised the unicorn. “When there’s no other choice, I can be heroic, too, you know.”
    “I never doubted it.” The Prince smiled.
    The unicorn shuffled his feet uncertainly. “All in all, I’ve been on worse quests, Sire.”
    “I hate to think what they must have been like.”
    “Will you shut up,” said the unicorn affectionately. “And mind your back on the Rainbow Run. I’ve grown accustomed to having you around to gripe at.”
    Rupert hugged the unicorn’s neck, and turned away to find Julia waiting for him. She offered him a handkerchief.
    “A lady’s favor,” she said. “The hero always carries a lady’s favor.”
    “I always wanted one,” said Rupert softly. He tucked the silk square inside his tattered leather jerkin. “I’ll bring it back safely.”
    “Bring back some help, that’s the main thing.” She leaned forward suddenly and kissed him. “And come back safe yourself, or I’ll never forgive you.”
    She hurried off into the shadows. The Prince raised a hand to his lips. There was one thing the minstrels hadn’t lied about. The dragon came forward.
    “Are you ready?”
    Rupert looked out into the darkness.
I’m afraid. But I gave my word.
    “Ready as I’ll ever be. You?”
    The dragon nodded. “The spell is set.”
    Rupert drew his sword, hefted it, and then handed

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