Bloody Freak (A Bloody Series Book #1)

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Book: Bloody Freak (A Bloody Series Book #1) by Emily Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Barker
him from Adam. He was defiantly hiding something. Since Bren hadn ’ t answered her phone when she called she was just going to keep playing normal until they figured things out. He did look like a little boy standing there, all unsure of himself. It was adorable. Snap out of it! Get back to work.
       She had called some fri ends she had made in New York in the early 90's, Weres from the Orleans Pack. They had heard the news but no word yet on which Pack the killer belonged to. So she continued her work on other cases she had neglected since the Wolf Killer case. What a stupi d name. At least they weren ’ t calling him the Werewolf Killer. That would be too much. She finished up some side reports and tidied up her desk some more. Then she swept the floor. Then cleaned the windows. It occurred to her at some point during the scrub b ing of the underside of her desk that she had never cleaned this much in her life. She didn ’ t want to go back out into the main office. That ’ s what it was. She didn ’ t want to run into Ethan again. Damn the man. He had her cleaning out of fear. Well screw t hat. She got up, brushed herself off and flung open her door. Managed to scare the hell out of the janitor too.
        "Sorry. Hey, you don't have to clean my office tonight. I did it myself!" She said brightly. He just looked confused. She didn ’ t clean. Ever . Well, let him see for himself then. She waltzed over to Chris' side of the lab.
        "Hey partner." She said loudly. He looked up at her, and he had the magnifying goggles on his face. He looked like a nerdy bug. She snorted at him.
        "You need somethi ng, wonder woman?" Chris asked. He looked back down at the samples of hair he was studying on the light table.
        "Not really. I just felt cooped up in my office. I didn ’ t eat much at lunch. Wanna grab something out of the wheel of death with me?"
        "No , sorry. I have to figure out why this seventy-nine year old man would kill his wife of sixty years over a bank gift. But next time, okay?" He promised.
        "Okay." She walked further down the hall.
        "Hey, Melody." She poked her head in.
        "What?" Sh e looked up from her counter.
        "I said hey."
        "No, what do you need?"
        "Well, maybe I just wanted to come chat? Can't I want to chat with one of my good friends?"
    She just stared back. "Okay. What do you wanna chat about? Oh! I know. Let's talk about why you threw a printer at the nice, good looking, well built new boss man." She looked expectant. Shit.
        "Well, I was feeling a little over whelmed and I over react ed I guess. Not so surprising, right? I mean I'm under a lot of stress. And did you hear that speech? Pfft. Crap." Melody didn ’ t look convinced.
        "You saw his shoulders, right?" As if that would make up for sabotage. To Melody it probably would.
        "Ye s, I did, but it takes more than a nice pair of shoulders to impress me. What if the man is a serial killer? Would you even care?"
        "Al, serial killers don't look that good, okay?" It was a good thing Melody worked in the filing room.
        "He's not that good looking." She crossed her arms and stared down the hall. She hoped he was listening.
        "Are you insane? He looks like that guy from 300 but all suave instead of sweaty." She sighed.
    Alex almost sighed too because she had seen him all sweaty. But sh e shook that out of her head.
        "Well I don't like him. I wouldn't like him if he were the holy patron saint of Electophesis. I wouldn't like him if he saved a hundred kittens from a burning building. I wouldn't like him if he was even remotely good at s ex!" She was now yelling down the hall. People were poking their heads out of their offices. She smiled apologetically. Melody stared at her for a bit.
        "You're gay aren't you? You don't like men, good looking men, is that it?"
        "No, Melody, I'm not gay. I just don't like the guy, okay?" Convincing

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