Blood Winter

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Book: Blood Winter by Diana Pharaoh Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Pharaoh Francis
past Alexander.
    “Got everything we need, Sugar,” Thor said with a wink. “Unless you want to come along to sweeten things up a little.”
    She snorted. “Tempting, but word is you’re all talk and no action.”
    His mouth fell open, and Alexander chuckled.
    “Who said that? It’s an absolute lie!”
    “What was it that Shakespeare said about protesting too much?” Alexander asked.
    Thor clamped his mouth shut, and he flushed red. Then, “Anytime you want to go for a ride, Sweetness, let me know, and we’ll see who’s ‘all talk.’ ”
    “I will cut your balls off first,” Alexander said without an ounce of humor.
    Thor and Max looked at him, and Thor nodded and backed away, lifting his hands. “I’ll meet you at the truck.” He grabbed both packs and disappeared down the hall.
    Jody, Nami, and Simon glanced from Max to Alexander, and all three trotted off without another word.
    “Gather everybody,” Max called after them. “We’re heading into town.” She looked at Alexander. “I’m not your fire hydrant to pee on and claim.”
    “But you are mine,” he said quietly.
    “Am I?” she said, her chin jutting.
    He tipped his head to the side, and impatience and annoyance kicked hard in his chest. When was she finally going to choose him? Maybe she was never going to embrace him fully as her lover, her mate, her other half. Maybe this was the best he would ever get from her.
    Pain and fury slashed through him. His body went taut, and he stepped back, his mouth curving in a bitter smile. “I had thought so. But maybe I was wrong. I tell you what. You let me know when I get back from chasing down the Grims. I would like to know where I should be sleeping.”
    With that, he spun and strode away, feeling her gaze drilling into his back.

    Max turned around, still reeling from her exchange with Alexander. What had happened? Why did she have to keep shoving him away?
    Tory and Carrie stood waiting, both practically bouncing off the floor with their excitement.
    “Leaving?” Max repeated stupidly. Of course, she was Alexander’s. She didn’t want anyone else. Didn’t want him having anyone else. And yet—
    She couldn’t go that extra distance to make it real, make it permanent. She kept holding on to the wiggle room that it was just for now.
    “Going into Missoula,” Tory said, as if speaking to a mental patient. “To look for information with you and Uncle Kyle and Tyler. We’re going tonight, since last night there was all that other stuff going on.” Tory waved her hand vaguely.
    She didn’t have any idea what had really happened. Time to buy her a clue.
    “ Last night, a witch broke into Horngate with a mob and burned five people at the stake in front of us,” Max said baldly. “So today I’m taking a team to try to hunt them down. You are staying here until he’s been taken care of, maybe longer. It’s too dangerous for you to go into Missoula now.”
    Carrie and Tory stared at her, uncomprehending. Then the news slowly took on meaning.
    “Burned them at the stake?” Carrie whispered, turning pale and clutching her fingers together.
    “Tortured them and then burned them. Two died,” Max said. “The others we got to the infirmary, but they aren’t out of the woods yet.”
    “That’s too bad for them,” Tory said, recovering herself. “But it won’t happen to us. Kyle, you, and Tyler won’t let it happen. And we’ll help you find out what you need to know. You said yourself it was a good idea.”
    “ Was being the operative word,” Max said. “It is now a very stupid idea. So go find some other way to contribute.”
    She stalked away, pulling her mind away from Alexander and the girls to focus on the preacher witch.
    A half hour later, she joined her Blades, who had assembled in the lounge outside the Great Hall. They were all armed to the teeth. Max had put on her tactical vest and buckled her .45 to her hip and her 9mm to her ankle. She

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