Blood Warrior (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles #4)
they will lose interest.”
    I glanced at Gavin. “Not
    Drew shrugged like he didn’t care. I
was pretty sure he really didn’t, though. Those two had been going
at it practically since birth and I didn’t foresee that ending
anytime soon. I, on the other hand, did care. I cared a lot. I
didn’t want Gavin to be unhappy. I just wished that he would find
someone for himself that he liked as much as he liked
    Our connection was a strange one. I
can’t even describe the way I feel when it comes to Gavin. I love
him, but not love, love. With Gavin, it just feels like we know
each other inside and out. I wanted him in my life, but at the same
time it’s weird when he does things like glare at me because of my
relationship with Drew.
    Lately we had this unspoken agreement
going on where he just deals with it and I try not to flaunt it
around in front of him. I guess that agreement was no longer
    Ugh. Oh well. No more feeling sorry
for myself, it was time to go walk the streets of New Orleans and
kill us some vampires.
    We met Sarah outside the mansion on
Royal Street. She had about ten people with her, both males and
females, who were all dressed in black clothing or dark camouflage.
I had to agree, these were the best kinds of clothes. My own outfit
consisted of black cargo pants, black long sleeved tee, even though
it was freaking hotter than Hades outside, and my black combat
    Cliché, I realize, but I know I looked
super cute and if Christina ever taught me anything it is that you
can be a good fighter, but if you look good while you’re doing it,
that makes it epic.
    Really though, I just wanted to look
good for Drew, I didn’t care about any of that other stuff. I was
excited to get out there and whomp on some vampires too. I had a
lot of frustration I needed to get out.
    Both groups silently merged and we
began to search the streets.
    Together we had a lot of people, so I
wasn’t really afraid of anything happening to any of us, I think
the sheer number of our group gave me, and everyone else, a false
sense of security. It had only been about ten minutes into our
search when we were ambushed by soldiers pledged to the Vampire
    I crept along the cracked and broken
sidewalks quietly, keeping my ears open for any sign of danger. I
was near the rear of the pack and it wasn’t easy listening for
other footsteps with nearly twenty people creeping along beside
    We passed an alley and after a quick
inspection of it, we moved on. We had been sticking to the
sidewalks, close to the walls where we were underneath the
galleries and safe from overhead attacks. But, even those
precautionary measures didn’t stop the attack.
    Behind me lingered two of Sarah’s men.
One guy’s name was Travis and I couldn’t remember the name of the
other one. After we passed the alley a gunshot sounded from behind
me, followed by an ear piercing scream. I spun, guns up and at the
ready, just in time to see the guys whose name I couldn’t remember,
pushed back by the impact of the bullet.
    Instead of running to his friend,
Travis headed for the alley, where the shot had come from. I
followed Travis, passing him just as we hit the opening. Two
soldiers were bolting for the other end of the alley.
    Nice, their plan was to pick us off
one by one. Awesome.
    I picked up speed, determined to catch
them before they got too far away. I heard the sound of more boots
hitting the pavement behind me and I knew a few of the others had
followed. It didn’t take long for me to catch them. I was not quite
vampire fast, but faster than a full blooded human.
    I rammed into one of the soldiers
backs at full force. His gun flew out of his grip and his knees
went out from underneath him, taking us both down to the ground.
Mid-fall, I swung the gun in my left hand up and over. Honestly, I
didn’t think it would work, but I managed to nail the other guy in
the back of the neck.
    By the time we hit the ground,

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